Friday, October 10, 2008

Up Between The Branches

I’m finding more and more beauty in sky here and all of the world and on Fridays there this place called Sky Watch

I was down in our library park taking a picture of our local library and looked up at the sky and clouds peaking though the limbs and branches.
Leaves are green and gold every so brite.
I get this e-mail about taking picture and this month it on Landscape picture taking and they suggest using different scene sitting.
So I tried Winter as they suggested.

I got this Friday off so I had time to do Friday Fill in

1. One of the best concerts/plays/movies I ever saw that I really didn't think I'd like was silver streak

2. Turkey chili with pumpkin spice is a recipe I recently made (or meal I recently ordered) that was delicious!

3. It's time for me to finish up posting for my blog and go up stair and spend some time with my family

4. Clean and fresh smelling home is quite refreshing.

5. If I never hear the word Juvie again, it'll be too soon.

6. To one side of the curving road was a ditch, and on the other was a fence

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to get a good nite sleep, tomorrow my plans include finish planting in royal sunshine flowerbed and Sunday, I want to play it by ear

I have suggest for one
I never have been to _______and it only less then 150 miles from my home.


  1. do you have a recipe for that?

    Thanks for playing, have a great weekend :-)

  2. Love this shot, sunlight thru the treees.

  3. Beautiful SWF!

    Great answer for #4 on FF.

  4. Lovely sky/tree shot. This is such a beautiful time of year. Here in upstate New York where I live, fall has come early and is probably the most beautiful autumn I can ever remember in my 61 years of life.

  5. Isn't that the BEST smell of all? The smell of clean. Come see my answers.
    Enter the book giveaways too!

  6. I took photos like that last fall. People probably thought I was nuts if they saw me walking along looking up into the trees taking pictures! lol

  7. Anonymous12:47 PM

    My brother & I both love the movie Silver Streak! It's one of our favorites.

    Hmmm... turkey chili with pumpkin spice sounds interesting!


  8. Hi Peppy...Have a beautiful weekend. It looks as though you will with all the trees turning colors.


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