Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh No Oh Yes

I don’t know what it is but recently I been some what like a blond or like my friend Callie would say like you have a brain fart, that’s me at this time.

Yesterday I went to the store to get some food and now I can’t fine my wallet.
The other day I order some bras and they are to big for me and I need to send them back.
Ok for some reason I can only find three of them and got find the fourth one.

I know it doesn’t seem like a lot to loose but it driving me insane

I’ve been thinking of joining T.O.P.S “taking off pounds sensibly” but once I talk to a member about the scoop on it.
It $26 a year and .50 for each.
I need some support to loose weight

Announcement time…I found my bra somehow it fell behind my dresser


  1. Being blonde, now you know what I live with every day! LOL Glad you were able to find your missing bra...did you find your wallet??? xoxo

  2. Ummmmmm, if you have four and only found three, you've lost some support. KIDDING...I couldn't resist.

    I wrote up a card to mail at the post office, put it on the hutch by my car keys, ---got downtown, and naturally, I forgot the card. Right to the keys. How blond can that be?

  3. I lost my wallet the other day, too! Spent all afternoon looking for it every place I'd been... ended up finding it in the couch back at home that evening.

    Did you find yours?


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