Sunday, October 05, 2008

Barton Ghost

Not putting the blame on anything. But there was this vibe I got when Murphy and I went up on Barton Peak to get firewood.
As we came to end of Barton we found a couple of small dead larch so Murphy and I fell them and got the pick up loaded up with firewood.

But in woods I keep seeing I would call spirit like things floating among the trees. My friend Quenelle says she hears spirits and usual they tell her beautiful things.
Well I don’t hear them but every so often some transparent item that moving I will see.
I was seeing Transparent things moving though the trees these where I guess in average length of 2 feet.

A few strange things happen on this trip.
When we got up to the upper part of Barton we found some dead larch that Murphy and I decided to take out.
Well the tree was fairly close to the road but the last tree wasn’t leaning the right way and I decided to pull it over.
And of course it bow season for elk
As I was pulling on the rope a pick up came by and I had to move. Still trying to keep the rope tight and trying to yell over a chain saw.
Some how the rope didn’t remind tight but the tree didn’t fall but Murphy had to help me pull it over.
Don’t worry I help fall bigger and more riskier trees before.
Well after that tree fell we finish loading up the wood and started down the mountain.

We thought every thing was normal and the pick-up was making funny noise. Murphy put it in four-wheel drive and didn’t turn the hubs.
So Murphy took it out of four-wheel drive and I was driving it off the mountain. But it still made the noise.
So we stop and pop the hood and looked at the engine and at that time we didn’t see anything. So we got back in and drove a little more and the noise was still going on.
So again we stop but this time we looked under the rig and saw nothing.
So we open the hood and I notice the belt to alternator was looking pretty thin.
We figure we better get down off the mountain before it got dark. Still plenty of light left.
In short time we heard the belt come off.
So we drove a while.
As Murphy works at a tree farm and we had a roll ribbon that ties trees to steaks. So we made a belt and drove on down the mountain.

We got to the game reserve and someone was there and I asked them if I could use there cell phone and I got hold of Murphy sister Faith and told her we broke down and they came and got us.
Well Murphy once again made a belt and we drove a little more and we met Heinz and Faith.
Well they drove their Acura. Both of us was pretty grime but Murphy was more then I.
So I went back with them to get their pick-up. I usual don’t have trouble driving stick shift but their shifter is odd shape.

So Murphy drove a little farther down the road and I met him down at mouth of Deep Creek and the Kootenai river.
So we got hooked up and I was pulling him.
See the plan was to haul it over to Heinz and Faith.
But some reason Murphy changed his mine. I got to the train track on Riverside and the towrope came undone.
So he decided to drive up the south hill and we where going to re took up.
As I was going out town and for some unreason I could find 3rd and Murphy was having his hand and I could understand his hand movements.
But somehow the rope got tangled in break line front right. He kept telling me to go but I couldn’t.
So he gets out and comes to the pick up.
Plus he was yelling at me.
The neighborhood kid across the way was looking at me.
So I yelled right back at him “Shut the fuck up and I'm fuckin trying to help.” honest time…I felt like punching his light out and hope I hit him hard enough that we went flying across the highway.
Still he told me to go and I got out and showed him that we where tangled up.
So he cut the break line and I tow the pick up Peterson hill and soon as we were on top we stop and undid the trucks.
Murphy drove the truck home.

Well couldn’t fix the truck. So Murphy called his sister to see if he could use there pick-up to go to work the next day.
I believe Murphy and Bart took the pick-up down to our mechanic on bottom of Pleasant Valley loop road and called him and left a message on his answering machine.
Plus left a note in rig.
It was done the next day and it was under a $100 bucks.
Murphy has trouble bleeding the breaks

Well I’m not sure when I’ll go up on Barton. But when I do I’ll take the camera and hopefully I’ll get a picture of the mountain ghost.


  1. Wow it sounds like you really had an adventure. I am glad you got home ok and got the truck fixed. Those spirits in the woods sound like something I would like to see. Next time you head up that way be sure and take the camera

  2. Sounds like a long and frustrating day. Glad to hear the truck is fixed and maybe things will be smoother. Hope you can get some great shots of the ghost you sensed. I was watching a show called Haunted Evidence yesterday I think on the tru network. It was awesome. Have a since Sunday - Fall has definitely fell.

  3. I should definitely proof read before saving! I mean't have a great Sunday.

  4. Oh I remember having to use a shoe string for a fan belt once when we were stuck somewhere. Not fun! Great that you get out into nature and enjoy the woodland spirits.

  5. I'm glad you were able to get home after all those car problems.

  6. What a brilliant story. I love the way you tell it - I can almost hear you talking. Let us know about the ghost won't you.


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