Saturday, October 04, 2008

Photo Hunt (Sad)

Today is Saturday and it time for Photo hunt and this week theme pick is Sad
and next Saturday pick is “lazy”

I find it sad that there is hungry in the United States. There many reason why people go hungry but it real makes me angry when hard working people who works hard and are pay not a livable wage that they can’t purchase food.
So they can get food stamp and or use the food bank.
But I’m thankful that we do have food bank in our own boundary county. But I hear it struggling as many our in United States it now only open three days a week

1 comment:

  1. Yes that would make me sad as such a developed country as the US hunger should be a thing of the past....there is no middle class's the have and the have nots...and the have's really seem to be hogging it all....

    Great thought provoking post and great for the theme...


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