Friday, September 12, 2008

Sky Watch (No Action)

Its that time for Sky Watch

Can’t recall the evening but it was some time this week. During the evening I heard thunder and saw some lighting flashes and grab the camera.
“The old saying lighting never hit twice in the same place” or maybe a little bit of Murphy law can play also.
If you’re looking one way to get a picture of some lighting it happen some other direction.
So I tried the video part of my camera, which I’m total clueless about.
It something I want to learn to do is to make video clips.
So I ended up with a no action.


  1. Hi peppylady! Just dropping by to see how you're doing -- thanks for visiting my site and inviting me over for coffee. :) Hope you're doing great on the Hot For The Holidays challenge!

  2. HEY THANKS for checking out my blog! Where did you get the info on that christian based plan you where talking about?

  3. This is very pretty! I love pictures of the sky.

  4. Hey PeppyLady, I'd race you! I've tried to take lightening strikes and haven't so far either. The video is the way to go, then pick a frame for your picture.
    Happy SkyWatching, thank you for your visit and nice comment.

  5. Very dark and ominous. I like it!!

  6. Looks like ther's plenty of action in that shot anyway without the lightning blastings the camera from your hand. Now that could have been quite a shock.

  7. that looks like a heavy rain is coming! hope to capture lightning in the future. :)

  8. I really like that photo. Very striking!


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  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...