Saturday, September 13, 2008

photo Hunt (Wild)

It Saturday and it’s time for Photo Hunt This week theme is WILD and next week theme is “road”

This week theme is wild and part of my job is to walk Rex and Friday we went out behind the Forrest Service building which is a large grain field.
I’m not sure how far we walk but I can tell you it was 16 power line pole and back to the car.
All the grain been harvest and I was hoping to see some large game but no such luck.
There a lot of Canadian geese getting their belly full from the grain that fell from the combines that harvest the fields.
Let me say wild geese is might good eating

I’m not looking forward to next week I work everyday. I’m wonder if I’ll get anything done around the place.
Or anything else like yard work or chance to work toward my ceramic shop. Sometime I feel hopeless

Well my son Bart got a job on weekend at Northern Home Center making $8 an hour


  1. what a sight. Love the colours.

  2. Great shot of the know the Canadian geese are unofficially considered a national bird and hence we are not allowed to hunt them....they are bountiful here...and actually tend to make a fare bit of mess with their droppings on soccer fields and in parks..and have also been known to cause traffic delays as they cross the road....

    I hear you about working everyday next do I....and I am suppose to be part time...actually it's my own fault I picked up an extra shift.....and congrats to you son for getting a job

  3. It's a great shot. Those Canadian Geese know how to take advantage of a good opportunity.

  4. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I've been seeing lots of Canadian geese around here, too, even though we live in the city. Yesterday I saw a flock of them by the pond at the Art Center. And there was a row of 6-8 geese walking down the sidewalk, all in a perfectly spaced line. I had to laugh!



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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...