Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Card 2007

I got most of my Christmas card addressed and even a large share of them mailed.
These are my Christmas Cards I’m sending out this year

As always I put in my yearly weather report but this year I got brave and told people about my blog I know a few have stumbled on my blog.

Then I wonder how some will react to my blog but those who get up set over it can just get over it. As my mom would say, “They can get glad in the same pants they got mad in”

So once again 2007 is coming to a close and as the year begins to wine down it means it time to mail out Christmas cards to family and friends.
Plus a 2007 account of the weather.

December of 06 January 07
Hottest day was the 27th at 53.8 Hottest day was the 25th at 47.8
Coldest day was the 21st at –5.3 Coldest day was the 11th at –3.6
Average high was 33.8 Average high was 47.8
Average low was 17.8 Average low was 17.8

February of 07 March 07
Hottest day was the 16th at 48.9 Hottest day was the 30th at 65
Coldest day was the 1st at 16.8 Coldest day was the 1st at 5.4
Average high was 41.5 Average high was 54
Average low was 26.3 Average cold was 29.6
¼ inch of rain

April of 07 May 07
Hottest day was the 28th at 72.9 Hottest day was the 31st at 85.3
Coldest day was the 22nd at 22.3 Coldest day was the 24th at 69.5
Average high was 69.5 Average high was 69.5
Average low was 35.8 Average low was 39.3
¼ inch of rain 1-¼ inches of rain.

June of 07 July of 07
Hottest day was the 3rd at 93.6 Hottest day was the 13th at 102.6
Coldest day was the 14th at 36.0 Coldest day was the 30th at 30.2
Average high was 74.8 Average high was 72.8
Average low was 44.0 Average low was 52.1
1-¼ inches of rain ¼ inch of rain
August of 07 September of 07
Hottest day was the 2nd at 95.0 Hottest day was the 2nd at 85.6
Coldest day was the 21st at 40.1 Coldest day was the 30th at 30.2
Average high was 84 Average high was 72.8
Average low was 54.7 Average low was 39.4
No rain ½ inches of rain

October of 07 November of 07
Hottest day was the 9th at 66.4 Hottest day was the 3rd 57.2
Coldest day was the 25th at 19.0 Coldest day was the 23rd 9.3
Average high was 69.5 Average high was the 38.9
Average low was 39.3 Average low was the 19.4
2 ¼ inches of rain 2 inches of rain
5 inches of snow

For quite a few years I have been doing a blog about daily life. I met a lot of ordinary fun loving people who share their life with the world. My oldest blogger I read is called “The life of Riley” and you can visit her at. Olive . Who lives in Australia and is 108 years old.
You can check out my blog at Peppylady

"To you women of today, who are old or young, may I suggest to you that you write, that you keep journals, that you express your thoughts on paper. Writing is a great discipline. It is a tremendous education effort. It will assist you in various ways, and you will bless the lives of many--now and in the years to come, as you put on paper some of your experiences and some of your musings." --President Gordon B. Hinckley

I got this above from One Funky Life

1 comment:

I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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