Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pack Rat Sale

Friday at work is hard at all!!! My Client Donna and I went to two-yard sale and local craft show.
The first one I hit was the pack rat sale at the fair grounds and I found a

A set of four glasses with maple leaves in them and I picked up the set for two bucks.
Then we headed up the paradise valley hill to a yard sale off to the left and I didn’t get anything there. I thought it was a little pricey for yard sale. I was thinking of returning Saturday the 10th see if they drop the price on glass fruit bowl but I never got back out there. See they want $30 dollars for it

Then Donna and I went to craft sale at fire station out in Cow Creek and there was some teenager selling used books for some type of fund raiser so I bought these three books.

which are Life Strategies by Doctor Phil, Mustards-Ketchups- Vinegar by Costenbadar and The Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Cookbook: Recipes & Reflections from Forrest Gump
At the craft show I bought a

Garfield magnet which says “Don’t Even Think It”

Now for a little meme fun. Called book-cover tag
***Rule (there is only one): Go to the advanced book search on Amazon type your first name into the Title field, and post the most interesting/amusing cover that shows up.
It took me a while to find anything that doesn’t belong to Dora the Explore and I found these 5 books
1. Dora Eggs
Picassos Weeping Woman: Life and Art of Dora Maer
3. History of the Dora Camp
4. Dora Bunder
5. Dora Box

I like doing this so I decided to give my blog “Peppylady” and only one pop up Peppy Ever-First Lady I just might have to get this book.

I tried something new for dinner a three-bean salad. I ate plenty three-bean salad but have ate plenty of them.

I’m a coffee drinker and KK of “My Good Find .Org “ is giving a a $25 dollar gift card to Starbucks


  1. Anonymous12:56 AM

    the title of your post sounds familiar... hehe! i remembered my mom calling me a pack rat.

  2. $30 is way too much for a glass bowl at a garage sale! great glasses you found.. good buy!

  3. Don't u just love garage sales...I about those book titles...I went to Amazon...that was to much are three...

    Mary Anne Saves the day
    Mary Anne vs Logan
    Mary Anne in the Middle

    Thanks for the fun...

  4. Yard sales are so much fun to go to but not when the people are asking a ridiculous price for what they're selling...$30 for a glass bowl is way too much!! Love the glasses you got, though, and the books look so interesting! xox

  5. The $30 bowl at the garage sale was probably an antique, but they should have sold it to an antique store. People won't pay that kind of money at a garage sale unless they are a collector.

    I did your meme. I had trouble finding anything but Mary Poppins. I found it interesting to find Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. The other one I found interesting was Mary's Prayers and Martha's Recipes. It was interesting and fun.

    Be sure to drop over to my blog and participate in the giveaway.



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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...