Thursday, September 06, 2007

Pacing My Self

I hope I’m not to late announcing this give away for this magazine called Seasonal Delight. If you subscribe to this magazine during the month of September you’ll receive a free subscription for an entire year.
Click here to subscribe I like to thank Autumn Zephyr and Peafor also posting this too

My walk around pleasant valley loop is increasing every time or I should say once a week I increase my distant by a power line pole.
I’ve been taking a picture of our home when I get to the new power line pole.

As I told you before I have anther client Colleen who is 160 degree different then my other client Callie.
One of my jobs is to walk her dog Rex.
So Rex and I been getting our exercise.
So we have been walking up what some calls the Ole Paradise Dump area. But now it cattle pasture

So this week so far this week I have walk four and half miles a total of nine miles.
Toward the bottom of my sidebar I’m keeping track of my walking. I’m trying to make a 100 miles by first day of fall


  1. Isn't that magazine of Kelli's just so delightful? I love it! Good for you for walking like that, it certainly is good for you!! I use to love walking in the trails in the woods behind my place but now that there are black bears roaming around, I'm wary of going there. I don't want to end up a bear's lunch! lol xox

  2. your area is amazingingly beautiful - good for you with your extra walking - love the idea of increasing the distance by the power pole!


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...