Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Not Wanting To Be Come Like Them

A short time ago I receive an e-mail and won’t tell anyone who this person is the only thing I’ll say that they belong to “Christen Woman on Line”.
I believe most be are “good hearted people”
This one person said because I practice my faith openly and I have never condemn anyone who openly practice their religion or political believes unless they basically go around murdering, assaulting, steeling, in a nut shell hurting other people.
So this person e-mail and said Wishes not to visit my blog because I practice my religion openly and “what does this person does…Judge others” and be careful of what I put on comment… nothing to worry about I took this person off my my coffee pals and deleted the email”
But actual this reminded me of true story of what happen in sixth grade….,.

We were in line in the school hall way going to the gym for some assembly and up head of us there was this girl who had some kind of disease that her hair was falling out. I was never knew this person I was general nice to her but wasn’t close to her.
As we stood in line their was these girls, for me to join there little group. I had to walk up to her and hit her in the back of the head and I would be come part of there little clique and I said “No! And that’s not nice”
For about week or so these girls tormented me and treat me like I had leprosy.
I can say I’m sure glad I stood my ground.

If someone belongs to a certain group or does something they most be ok. If I actual hit this one girl I could of possibly be came part of this popular mean girl group. So I find out some people just want to stay with the same clique and point fingers at others and hide all there dirty little secrets under the carpet

My Grandpa Edgar (Jack) always or most of his life wore overhauls and he had this saying…If they don’t like me in my overhauls they don’t need to bother to like me any other way.


  1. I am so sorry that happened to you. Don't join the mean girls group (by hitting someone). Just let Karma take care of this person for you, and trust me it will in its own time
    Hugs to you

  2. it's amazing how narrow minded and holyier than thou some people can say such things in the name of religion just burns my kind of goes along with my post yesterday....most harm is done in the name of religion....interesting concept...I am glad you opted not to join that group as well...cheers and I hope you are having a fantastic day!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That's a shame, her loss.

  5. Being kind is always the best choice. So glad you are a kind person. Thanks for stopping by my new blog!

  6. Wow
    I am continuously amazed by the fear and hate. How much energy it must take. You had wonderful integrity in school to not do that. Fear makes kids behave like that, but you had love. I apologize, as a Christian, for this person's behavior, because that is not how we are called to behave.

  7. Good for you. Don't waste your time and energy on someone like that.

    She doesn't speak for me, by the way.

  8. People are mean. And it's sad they feel the need to lash out and hurt others to make themselves feel good.


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If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
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