One thing that will get me upset is that someone who can’t make up there mind or is extremely wish washy.
I understand they’re events that happens and is out of anyone control.
I don’t except to on such tight schedule such as on Wednesday at 10 AM clean ear with q-tip, 10:02 place q-tip in garbage and then at 10:04 scratch left elbow.
But my Father in Law Dewayne had to be the most Flip Floppy person that every walk the earth or most person who want things now.
Sometime I’ll blog how flippy flop my father in law was.
My husband is some what wish washy and not as bad or even close of what his dad was.
But my oldest son is getting some what wish washy and it driving me nuts. One minute he wants to live in Bonners Ferry next minute he want to live somewhere else.
He wants to get a degree in finances but it seem like he changing his mine how he wants to do it.
We bought him a lap top that the understanding that he would be going on to college and I know most 18 years or so real don’t know what they want to do with there life
To be fair about family I’ll even tell you sometime about my family secret that are in closet

Trick or Treat!!! Pea of Peas Corner is holding her Annual Halloween SwapThis is what Pea had to say “The time has come to announce my Annual Halloween Swap:-) Last year a dozen ghouls bloggers, participated and what fun we had! You will be paired with a vampire partner and what you need to do is make up a package consisting of Halloween related items. You don't need to spend tons of money and just remember the weight...mailing a very heavy body parcel can cost a lot, so for example, mailing a coffin is NOT a good idea!! If you are interested in participating, then just leave me a comment on this post telling me:-) I will keep this open until September 30th and then on October 1st I will draw blood the names for partners and will email all of you with instructions. Just make sure your parcel is mailed out in time for Halloween:-) xoxo”

As I was traveling though blogger land I found out though 5 minute with mom about a “Cyber Baby Shower”
Janice of 5 minute with mom has it so nicely written out. So Click here for more information

So far for my fall walking goal I have walked 13 and ½ miles and my goal is to make 100 miles by the first day of fall and I have 86 and ½ to go.
So this morning I increase my distant by the power line pole. Every time I plan to increase my distant I take a picture looking back at our home. But I decided to do a bit of zooooming with the camera.
Yesterday there was a special on women and middle age I was listing to Dr Northrup on P.B.S and I thought it was quite interesting what she had to say. She talk about how the moon cycle effects our hormone as women. That most women have there periods in dark of the moon.
And of crouse Murphy want to know why they wasn’t any men in the audience. Plus Bart wanted to watch something else.
I’m going to see if I can find this book but at a cheaper rate
Hi Dora:-) Thank you so much for announcing my Halloween Swap, I can't believe I've got 18 people signed up for it already!! Fun, fun fun!! Thank you also for your email telling me that you are my partner in your Scavenger Hunt...I'm almost done putting the package together and will mail it out next week:-) I so enjoy your scavenger hunts!! Oh, doesn't that drive you crazy, men who can't make up their minds!!!! lol xox
ReplyDeleteDora setting your goal for walking is awesome....I have set goals for my running...I am surprising the heck out of myself....I had a busy day today and I knew I wanted to run...but I knew I couldn't go for a long one...I only ran 5.5km a little over half of what I have been running know what I discovered with myself today....I discovered that it was too short....5.5km wasn't far enough....I could have run a lot was an amazing feeling.....I am sure you will get there as well...and I really like your idea of taking the picture....