Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Five and Three

Is 8.
Yesterday I went to work, let my house become a war zone, and looked at few different neighborhood via The Open Window
I actual like to tour more neighborhoods but something need to be done around here.
So I decided to do 5 regular cleaning chores and then tour 3 neighborhoods so that equals eight.


  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I think I must have worded my comment wrong. What I meant to say is that we will turn our air conditioner off in about 6 weeks and leave it off for the winter. We have that much hot weather left before we can make the switch.

    Then ... we turn it on again anywhere from the end of February to the middle of April.

    But ... I would LOVE the Idaho falls. Not sure about the winters though. That would be quite a switch for me. I'd have to buy boots. And a coat :)

  2. Hi! You visited my blog (http://justlovehim.wordpress.com) and said your son is thinking of moving to GP, OR. Well, tell him to go for it! That's where I grew up and I love it there. I would live there again if I could. It's the perfect size, great weather, lots to do, and sooo beautiful!


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...