Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cleaning Microwave

For the last two days I tour different neighborhoods. Aren’t blogs cool I’m not sure which place I would want to see first?
Actual quite a few times visiting blog. I’ll even say to my self confession time…I talk to my self sometime anyhow no one every disagree with me
“I never thought of that” “That’s a great ideal’ “Never know what one will learn out in the blogger world” and “ I sure like to see that”

A good way of cleaning a microwave and give it a clean fresh smell is real simple.
Take a bowl of and slice a lemon into fourths and add about 2 to 3 cups of water place the bowl of lemons and water into the microwave for about 3 minutes and remove bowl from microwave and wipe with a paper towel.
There might be some minor adjustments to this because each microwave is different.
Plus depending how bad your microwave is it may take more then one or more times
At this time I didn’t have any lemons so I used “Lemon Juice-100% from concentrate”

So for more great ideal visit Rocks In My Dryer


  1. I agree with you, visiting other blogs can often give you so many terrific ideas:-) Just like this one about the microwave...I've never tried that before so will have to! xox

  2. Great idea ~ Mine has that popcorn smell ~

  3. What a great idea. I am trying it tonight!! Thanks!

  4. Thanks for the tip! I need to try this, my microwave is a mess.


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