Monday, September 17, 2007

Welcome To My Neighborhood

Welcome to Northern Idaho and I live in the far northern part of Idaho Panhandle. I live between 2 small towns. The town to the south of me is Naples Idaho and the town to North of me is Bonners Ferry Idaho.
Well if you every decided to tour north Idaho beauty you would have to get on US route 95 better known as a “goat trail” by some.
Out of my front door I can view the Selkirk Mountains your looking west. Out of my dinning room slider you can see the Purcell Mountains your looking east.
But the actual area I live in is called “pleasant valley”

Let stop in at Naples Idaho which isn’t on route 95 any more but at one time it was. I’m not sure what the population town of Naples is but I guess in what I call the downtown part I’d guess there less then 100 people.
In the slide your looking at general store that would be like stepping back in time and the local post office is in corner of the store plus the gas station is there, local hard ware store and it’s a true ma and pa business
Naples was actual put in by the railroad.

The downtown part of Bonners Ferry is two blocks by two blocks. We don’t have any large box store here at this point. I guess we do have a small radio shack.
But one thing people in Bonners and surrounding community are super friendly and we been award the friendliest town.
Are little town got some neat little shops to visit.
Bonners Ferry came about being a ferry town a guy name of Edwin Bonners had a ferry that crossed the kootenai river because of a gold rush in 1800s

The river that goes though Bonners Ferry is called the Kootenai River which start up in British Columbia (Canada) goes south into Montana and swing east toward Bonners Ferry. Then heads back north up into British Columbia and dumps into the Kootenay lake. Canada spells it differently and the west of lake dumps into the Columbia River and out to the Pacific Ocean

The local Indian tribe here is called the Kootenai which is branch of the Salish

At one time lumber industry was the bread of our local community but things have change in last 20 or so years.
Now we are being more diverse economy and one thing seems to strive here is tree farms not just Christmas tree ones

We have great library in Bonners Ferry and everyone in the county has a library card and it’s well used.
Then right by the library it has a small little park

Pleasant Valley is west of route 95 about 3 miles North of Naples. It mainly farm land but there selling some of it off.
As you turn into Pleasant Valley the highest peak you’ll see is Roman Nose which the Kootenai Indians in simple term a great chief will rise up (It’s part of there second coming)

If you enjoy the great outdoors and don’t need to have wal-mart less then 10 miles from you.
Boundary County is a great pace to live.
I’m located at 48°37°07 North and 116°22°29 West the elevation at my place is 2.248 feet.
The elevation of Naples is 2,243 feet and the elevation of Bonners Ferry is 1,778 feet.
Most of soil here is mainly clay base and most rock in the area is granite.
We actual have pretty nice weather one thing I like in summer time the night’s cools off.
This last (07) July it got mighty hot which we hardly every get up in the 100s I would say on average we get above 90 for about 3 weeks.
To me the best weather is in May, June and last half of August, until Mid October.
It seems to spit snow on Halloween here and if it snow before Halloween we’re in for tuff winter and lot of snow.
The growing season here is 45 days to 90 days depends on what Mother Nature has in store for us.
The population of Bonners Ferry is about 2,500 people and the county of Boundary County is little over 10,000 people

I hope you enjoy the tour of my neighborhood and if you every get chance to see Kootenai Valley I know you’ll think is pretty.
And e-mail me and I’ll take you out for a cup of coffee or what ever you want to drink

I’m leaving some links so you can read more about our little neighborhood

Kootenai River
Route 95
Bonners Ferry
Boundary County
Kootenai tribe

I won’t be visiting any of my coffee pals because I’ll be touring different neighborhoods.
I like to thank Kathleen of The Open Window for being the host


  1. How wonderful of a town. At first when I was viewing the slides I thought Naples, Fl.....I was wrong...LOL! Great neighborhood. I enjoyed my tour.

  2. I've enjoyed your lovely descriptive tour through your little town. My home in the Seattle area is not too far from you just a state away...

  3. Beautiful town to visit. Thank you for sharing, loved the presentation. I'll be back to visit often.

  4. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I love the mountains. I may live in Florida but I am not a beach girl at all. You have a beautiful area and I'd love to visit that part of the country some day.

    Thanks for sharing about your neighborhood.

  5. Very interesting and what a neat idea to feature the google earth images.

    You are out in the boonies, aren't you, but it sounds lovely.

  6. I would love to be able to look out my window and see those mountains...what a beautiful view!! Thank you so much for the wonderful tour, it certainly is an area where I would love to visit:-) xox

  7. That is a beautiful place to live! thanks for the tour!

  8. I love the mountains..always have.
    Beautiful place to live. We have been in your area and know it's beauty first hand. It is a WOW! I enjoyed the slide show and your descriptions!


  9. Wow, you really live in a beautiful area! I really enjoyed the slide show that you put together. Thanks for the links too!

    My “Welcome to My Neighborhood” post is right here.

  10. I loved the slide show! You live in a gorgeous area, surrounded by mountains. I don't think I have ever been to Idaho. I love the river. I love water so I have to live near it. I have a creek and small pond and it will certainly do for me.

    Thank you so much for participating in Welcome to My Neighborhood! God Bless!

  11. That is some gorgeous scenery out there!You presented a lot of interesting info about your area too. Thanks!

  12. Really enjoyed this visit, what a beautiful town :)

  13. Great idea to have the satellite view of your area! My husband loves to google places and zero in to see what they look like.

    I have relatives in Idaho, but in the flat part around Boise.

  14. I loved the idea of the slide show! The aeril photos are a unique touch. I would not have thought of that.
    Thanks for sharing your neighborhood.

  15. NEAT photos. I loved the slide show, too. Thanks for coming to visit me!

  16. I have enjoyed my visit. Thank you.

  17. I loved your tour - great pictures. I'm from southern Idaho - it was fun to see what is up north. I've been there only once and it was incredibly beautiful. I just posted my tour - come by for a visit when you can!


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