Thursday, August 30, 2007


Question time…Does anyone know how to make a button link?

In September soon after labor day I’ll be posting my Mabon scavenger hunt.
I like to do a better link and those who want to add it their side bar can. I’m thinking something to do with apples

Well now I need to get something off my chest. Sense I live in the state of Idaho and our senator Larry Craig is making all kind of national head lines.
Statement…I’m not a big Craig supporter and my political believe leans to the left

Living in a small community everyone here has dial up for there computer, no cable or dsl out here.
Watching a wal-mart commercial about buying school clothes and keep using different phase like “cool” and “with it” yes I remember those terms and my boys using “awsome’ but I don’t recall this one “jiggie” Please someone up date me on pop slang. I most slept though that one.
I remember when gay was also using for other terms other then for a homosexual term.
And when I was a camp fire girl the term fag meant a measurement of kindling (firewood) or even a cigarette. Now it use for a male homosexual.
Couple of other terms can be criss cross with each other.
1. Pray and Magic
2. Book of Shadows and Knowledge
3. Routine and Ritual
4. Farmer Market and Hippy Fest (That what one of our Nephew call a farmer market)

But one other thing I didn’t know that tapping your foot was a way for other homosexual to pick each other up and I heard Larry Craig was doing this and if I saw this I would of thought someone keeping time to the music (mostly if there music playing in the back ground) or some one being impatiens

I’m still having a period and I’m going though what they call Perimenopause and I’ve had my period since August 13 and what a pain. Not physical but I’m passing blood clots and I sometime I’ll leak though everything. One word I’ll use to explain this is “Gross”.
So for 10 days the doctor put me on medroxypr for 10 days and hopes to somewhat regulate my periods.
I was trying to find a link to the medicine but I couldn’t it is a hormone base.
I been having leg cramps off an on. The doctors tells me sometime not having enough water will cause them and also taking cholesterol lower medicines will too.
I been doing my walk during the week and this week I walk a total of 1.75 miles but last week I got in 2.75 down a mile.
All in all I’ve walked 4.5 miles. I’m trying to make 100 miles by the first day of fall. I got 95.5 miles to go.
This morning I took Daisy for a walk up on top of pleasant valley loop, which I only do one day a week and each time I increase that area by one power line pole. As usual 2 puppies and 1 old dog went to greet her and she ran home “ licitly spilt “ across the field.

This is the field Daisy ran across to the green house and she walk a little bit down the road in front of our home to greet me


  1. I don't know how to make a button link, but the mabon hunt will be fun I am sure. I don't follow politics so no comment on y9ur senator, yuck though that your cycle is so long and causing problems. I hope the meds help. I haven't had a cycle in over a year except for once a bit of break through bleeding. I am older than you so I think I am done..Yippie!
    Watch that cholestroal med..that is what is causing the leg cramps. I had to go off of mine cause I got them in the middle of the night so bad I had to walk and walk and it hurt so much I would be crying.

  2. I can make a button link. let me know what you want. I am not professional at it but I did the goddess one.
    bananas are good for leg cramps!


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...