Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Not To Overwhelm You

I thought I would share a little bit of fame or I should say past fame. I’m descent of Belle Starr.
My great grand dad Charles Shirley and Belle Starr was first cousin. To the best of my knowledge her and I would be 4th cousin once remove.
There a lot of unanswer question about the Shirley family. My great grand dad we know was born in Indiana, Pennsylvania.
And I was told that he didn’t get a long with his dad and used the Shirley name after some old maid aunt of his.
I understand that his father last name is something like Conklin. I got a copy of his death certificate he died of appendix attack and listed his last name as Shirley.
I tried to find a birth record of him and no luck.
Here three links to Belle Starr Belle 1 Belle Star 2 and Belle Star 3

As always there tons of great info though blogger world. But I’m not sold on everything I read or hear of. But there is a few item I like to share with you.
First one is book given away by Frugal hacks The book is called the “Tight Wad Gazzette” She will be drawing the name August 30.

The second give way is a V-tech whiz kid which is part of sharron “bloggy giveways”
Only thing you need to do is click on link and follow the direction. Although my boys are to big for this put I can give it to some your grandniece and grandnephews.

The last give away I know what going on is putting on by 5 minute with mom and they are give a way something from Lands ends I wasn’t going to tell anyone but I can’t keep a secret a $100 gift certificate. Please Click here for more info.
Before I end today posting I like to direct my readers to two fairly new places that one may gain useful information.
Is Tackle it Tuesday Click here If you want to see yesterday project.
The next place I would like you to visit is Work For Me Wednesday today posting I didn’t get chance to post anything but here is today Posting
If you never post a single thing here there is a lot of great information from first hand experience

1 comment:

  1. Well imagine that, you're related to Belle Starr!! So very interesting! Of course I'd heard of her, a notorious outlaw with friends like Jesse James...I think she was quite brave as a woman to turn to that kind of life in those days:-) Thank you so much for the heads up on all the various contests going on. I'm planning on doing my Halloween Swap again this year but I won't announce it until a bit later. xoxo


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please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...