Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Blogher Pretend Part Two

On my second day at blogher conference I would be going to these breakouts but if you like to see make make believe schedule for Friday Click here

Breakout 5 I’ll be going to : Earn our votes: What question do women blogger want candidates to answer in election 2008 Attendees will work to develop a Voter Manifesto based on questions that women from across the political spectrum agree are currently ignored, but must be a priority in the next presidential election.
The session will open with strategist presentations, one from the left end of the spectrum, one from the right, reflecting their latest thinking on what women voters want in '08. Next, attendees will break into multipartisan groups to take four critical issues raised by the survey, (such as health, the environment, global strife and the economic future of our extended families ). Working together, each group will build a list of the burning questions women who blog really want answered by anyone who wants our votes for president. Attendees will work collaboratively to make a list of 3 questions per topic, 12 in all. We'll close with a presentation on how attendees can take the Voter manifesto and take action, both from a "netroots" perspective, and with the mainstream media. Morra Aarronswill MC the sessions activities. Confirmed experts include pollster Anita Sharma McCain internet strategist Sarah Simmons, Gina Cooperwho puts on YearlyKos, Zoe Chafefrom World Watch. Dr Val Jones and Mary Katharine Hamfrom Townhall.com.Jen Hogg rom Iraq Veterans Against the War, and Jennifer Pozner from women in the media and news
When I first heard of blogher someone was asking about what they felt was important issue and posted here and I like to have more knowledge before I vote this year

Next would be Lunch

Breakout #6 I will be going to The art of craft The CraftBlogging community is diverse and large, covering everything from scrapbooking to knitting to other handi-crafts. They use their online communities to collaborate, to provide critiques, to engage in commerce, and simply to learn. How do you find your piece of the CraftBlogosphere? And yes, we'll also talk crafts...our favorite solo and group projects. Leah Petersenmoderates the conversation with Kathy Cano Murillo and three other Kristen Roach, Natalie Zee Drieu and Amy Sedaris I mainly want to go to #6 breakout because I’m working toward my goal of opening a ceramic shop and would like to get some ideals how to tie my blog in to my ceramics and not loose the effect of having a deserve blog.

Breakout #7 is the last one for blogher and I’ll be wanting to attend Sex and Relationship behind close doors and Off-the-Record session
Facilitated by Susan Mernit and VivianeCloaked behind another name, bloggers are writing more freely than ever before about private personal experiences they might be hesitant to share publicly. In doing so, they are creating community and making their voices heard in powerful ways—but also dealing with issues of privacy and exposure.
This BlogHer session is for everyone at the conference who is using the web to share personal narratives about sex and relationships, and/or to share erotic fantasies and desires, so that members of this community and those supportive of them can talk freely with one another. We intend to offer a safe, facilitated space to talk about your blog, identify and privacy concerns, and share personal and community experiences related to blogging about sexuality, personal experience, and relationships and to create a safe space for those writing on these topics behind a veiled persona to speak freely in real time.
In my blog I have talk the most open about my relationships to those who reads my blog. Lot of time I’m afraid to share my personal like with anyone I can make eye contact for fear I’ll be ridiculed. But I have been total honest I often wonder if I scare off people for being to honest

The last two events will be 4:30-5:45
Closing Keynote: A one-on-one chat with Elizabeth Edwards
BlogHer co-founder Lisa Stone sits down with Elizabeth Edwards: attorney, author, mom...and longtime blogger. We'll find out how blogging and social media has changed her life...and changed life on the political trail. We'll also ask her what, if any, potential she sees for these technologies to changes the lives of women she meets as she travels across the country and around the world. Particularly for women who traditionally haven't had money, power, a voice. Using questions contributed by the community pre-conference and in real-time, we'll have one big one-on-one with one of this year's most compelling public figures.
Thank You Cocktail Party at the Chicago Children's Museum on Navy Pier, sponsored by Dove
Oh yes there is a 15 minute break after Breakout#7.

Now its back to reality. To best of my figuring it would cost me between $1,000 to $2000 for me to go to blogher but maybe someday I’ll get chance to go. It sounds like so much fun.

These three other people posted about blogher and there thoughts. Plain Jane Mom, arjewtino and Stork Calling

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dora xo
    thankyou for your comment on my post today... I like you.. :)
    and yes, the girls who are popular in blogging were probably the ones who were popular at school.
    Thankyou for your friendship & your visits to my blog xo


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is Tuesday, January 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, Murphy and I finished up the dining room wall. We're both a little sore. Well, I've been a lot sore. I think on Thursday,...