Monday, August 06, 2007

Blogher Pretend Part One

I’m going to give my self permission to change my blogger stage to a make believe world for this posting.
When I was a child part of my life were the Tooth fairy, Santa, Elves, and the Easter Bunny.
As I got older I had to live in the real world of both joy and pain.
Confession time…It always bothered me how much emphases my parents put on money.
Not because lack of money my parents wouldn’t go to some type of conference like the one for Blogher simple the only reason they would travel this far if it would the make a capital gain.
Ok before I make it sound like my parents are too much like cold heart things. They did help local charities

First of all I would need to figure how I would get there and I think I would fly out of Spokane to Chicago and that would run me about $500 round trip. Honest time I would strongly considering to take the train because of all the hassle at the air port and I can catch the train in Sandpoint and it goes straight in to Chicago.
It looks like I need a place to stay but I’m not sure were I would like to stay. I notice that others girl bloggers room together but I don’t know if they knew each others before they went to blogher conference.
Confession time…I notice that the Hostel are cheaper and nothing wrong with being frugal but there is other options for rooms Click here

This part is very important about blogher conference there is some registration fees

I notice each schedule event for speakers are about one hour and quarter.
I guess the first lecturer I would like to attend would be Digital Exhibitionists or Chroniclers of their Time: Will Naked Bloggers Make History?
Throughout history women have written about their worlds, with little public recognition; still they provided a vibrant portrait of history beyond the political battles and civil wars. Are modern-day diarists self-involved? Self-absorbed? Boring? Au contraire! They may be future historians' and anthropologists' best source for understanding 21st Century mores and culture. We'll discuss identity blogging and how the legacy of such bloggers might be what future generations learn from them a century down the road.
Confession time…I wonder what happen to these blogs after we are dead and gone. I’ve thought for donating my blog to something like the Smithsonian so at later date people can learn about this time period

The speaker to this are Laurie Kahn-Leavitt, Heather Barmore, Stacy Campbell and Kris Likey and alwaysarousedgirl

Now it would be time for lunch. “Gee Wiz I hope they have something good and hour and half for lunch

The next Breakout #2 is what they call there little lecture thing. I would be going to Our Bodies, Our Blogs
There are weight-loss blogs, and there are healthy eating blogs, and there are fat acceptance blogs. The one thing they have in common: a lot of them are written by women. While a lot of them get support and positive reinforcement and encouragement from their readers, a lot of them also get some really strong reactions from people who don’t want to hear about women dealing with body image – and don’t want to worry about whether or not society is “responsible”, for everything from obesity to anorexia to the pressure to conform to some unattainable ideal. Can blogging be the perfect vehicle to expose and break unhealthy influences…and build a healthy identity that isn’t tied to how we look?
Which is moderate by Jenny Lauck Other ladies will join her in conversation which is Laurie Toby Edison, Wendy McClure, and Yvonne Marie . I know I developed some un health habits learn them from my childhood and took some on all by my self and I try to start better habits when it comes to health but I think I’m off the wagon more then I’m one

Breakout 3 I’ll be going to Does the Blogosphere Need an Intolerance Intervention?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of speaking across divides, and trying to be a "bridge"? What do we gain and lose when we assume we're blogging to people a lot like ourselves? Let's talk about insularity, authenticity, intolerance, and diplomacy. At times, bloggers can be like indie bands, risking having their original fans stop liking them the minute they start being appreciated by a more diverse audience, outside the original "club”. There's bloggers who cross all sorts of potential barriers...and bloggers who like it in their own neck of the woods just fine, thank you very much, go away if you disagree. Do Birds of a Feather groups encourage intolerance? Or are diplomats "sellouts"?
Liz-Henry and the other ladies who will be part of this discussion will be Laina Dawes , Tish Grier , and Kathryn Thompson. Sharon of Rocks in my dryer actual new Kathryn The reason I picked I wonder why I don’t want to join a certain click in blogger world. I notice people divide them mainly on religious background and the other three would be hobby and economy. I try to have a diverse back ground among my coffee pals so I can be more worldly

Then 4 to 4:30 is break. Knowing me I’ll need to use the bathroom

Breakout 4 I’ll be going to Blogging Workflow tools and tricks. Are you inundated and overwhelmed? Do the words Information Overload particularly resonate? Did you know there are tools to facilitate working with feeds, hyperlinking, adding and re-sizing images, creating captioned cartoons, posting to multiple blogs simultaneously, creating those daily link posts and more? Improve your blogging efficiency processes with a handy look at these tools…most of which are free or open source. Barb Dybwad and Gina Trapani I’ve seen some pretty fantastic looking blogs that are laid out real cool and I wish I had knowledge to add a little paza on my blog

It looks like it social hour from 6 to 8 not sure if I’ll have a cocktail but if I do it will be tequila base and I’ll just have one. Confession time…I don’t deal well with hang overs like when I was young but I notice they got Christine Kane who is a singer and song writer

Now for the day my make believe plans what I would of done at blogher is over for the day.

I went to google blog search and googled in “blogher conference’’ and these are the three top ones on top list life by candle light , Mamma and Caribbean Free Radio


  1. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Ooooo you were in my session.

    Didja get a goody-bag? I hope so!

  2. Hi - fyi BlogHer was broadcast into Second Life, for all the people who couldn't attend.

    I've tried Second Life, like twice. I can't even figure out how to configure my avatar.

  3. Reading is definitely not lazy - it's essential. Otherwise why would I waste my time being a writer! I always have several books on the go. But obviously we need to spend time moving our bodies as well, otherwise our energy stagnates. Have you tried giving your fat friend a book about space clearing? I'm sure there is a link between hoarding and getting fat.

    Internet Marketing


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Today Is Tuesday, January 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, Murphy and I finished up the dining room wall. We're both a little sore. Well, I've been a lot sore. I think on Thursday,...