Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Eghit Random Fact And Friendship....

Over at Meeyauw she did eight random facts and I was tagged and thought I’d give it a try

1. One of my favorite band is Eagles I also have other bands I like. I seen quite a few rock concert when I was a teenager and to see a well known rock band was about five bucks then

2. When I was in my late teen and early 20 I did quite a few illegal drugs which include marijuana, acid, angel dust ( I was laced with dust) heroin, cocaine, mushroom, and speed. When I hit 22 or 23 I decide drugs was to boring and pretty well quite once in blue moon I might take a toke of pot.
I never stole for my recreation drugs.

3. I can play the violin and haven’t real touch it since I got of high school

4. I have trouble pronouncing certain combination of syllables and certain word I real murder when I speak

5. I grew up on berry farm we had both strawberries and raspberries

6. I used to ride in Horseshow and the horses we had was Shotgun trix (Trixie) T Taurus Red,(Taurus) Dino Bar Reed (Dino) T Bar Brownie, Micks Lady Luck (Lady) and Skoronic Wizear (wiz)

7. I like to have a plan and if I don’t have a plan I seem to wonder about lost and I write to do list or I’ll get hardly anything done. When I have a list I can a least a accomplish 80% of my goal or more

8. I like to read diverse type of blogs and post about a diverse subject. Nothing is to taboo for me. I figure if I read and write about diverse items I become more aware of the world around me

I’m tag these eight people to do 8 random facts about them
Early Bird
Roc Rebel Granny
Clair Garden
Heart of the nest
Two Witches
Autumns Meadow
and one who wants to play.

I was over at Miss R and she wrote about blogger friends and it hit home. Please read


  1. It was fun to learn new facts about you!! While you tried all those drugs, I never tried any! lol They never interested me and although my 4 brothers all smoked marijuana and did hashish oil, I never tried anything. I was called a "square" when I was a teen because I wouldn't smoke up but I didn't care:-) Gone are the days when you could pay $5 to see a concert...nowadays it's almost unafordable!!

  2. Please come by my blog today as you have been awarded!!

  3. I'm going to a concert tonite! I can't wait. Only because it is in Newport, close by, and nothing here is ever big. But nobody tours here either, so we are lucky to get this show tonite.

    Oh those lists. I actually finished a list yesterday and tossed it out. The secret (I found): put only 1 or 2 things on the list!


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