Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Not knowing Is Sometime a Real Kicker

Some time ago I bought this picture of teacups at one of our local thrift store and I’ve always love them but never could figure out where or how I want to hang them,
Until yesterday, when I was rearranging things in the basement.
We all have been pretty well staying in the basement because of the summer heat.
I ran into an

washboard, which was stuck under our stairs and easy to get at. And I though to my self “I know where, how, and what I can do with this Washboard

But I wish deciding what I want or need to do with my employment life was easy to figure out. When considering how I make this decision will be based on more then one factor, me.
I’m having some multi issues about going back to work.
I don’t have a college degree and I’m limited on what I can I do or I should say because I don’t have a fancy piece of paper saying I can do _______. I know I have talents that isn’t be utilized.
Idaho isn’t famous for big wages or even living wages. I heard there looking for workers in the Courd’Alene area but the jobs there won’t buy a home. Statement time…Courd’Alene is about 60 miles from me and it’s not an optional for me unless it pay big buckaroos
But now back to the choice I need to make.
I had an easy client and I figure I did a good job getting her more independent so I help her improve her health. But in general I don’t like being around sick and bitchy people.
I real don’t mind doing the social part of my job.

“Every penny counts” but when I was working in a lot of ways we weren’t eating healthy as we could have been. On the days that was long and I was tired I would pick up some prepared food full of nasty chemical. Honest time…We are eating more healthier since I’m not working but still could improve But now I cooked breakfast and I’m putting more effort in to dinner.
There was days I was so burned out on my job and I did half ass job doing my own place. Now even being off for these few days. I’m starting to see a bit of sunshine attitude in my own place.
Confession time…My home wasn’t in squalor condition but I was embarrass that I wasn’t super woman and kept it up.
But the extra money helps to get those few odd things that we would possible get. Having your own paycheck gave me since of control over my life.
I didn’t have to depend on Murphy for every little thing and I knew he appreciated me bringing in a paycheck and he also appreciate housework.
Honest time…I don’t want Murphy to think he has to carry most of the burden of supporting the family financial
But at this time being so hot Murphy been working hoot owl and I do plenty around here to make him more comfortable and if I went back in home care I know the odds would be that things would slowly crumble around here.

I can think of projects that could be done around here some are free, cheap, and would cost an arm and leg. But the cheap or free project most of them I can handle. But the ones that cost us an arm and leg I didn’t make the big wages that need to do them.
Confession time…Some of the projects I would be quite slow because of lack of experience
Even if I worked then a lot of time no time to do the projects

I been thinking of focusing on the ceramics a little more but I won’t see any money until possible October because that is first craft show I’ll be doing Honest time..It doesn’t mean that I’ll get all my investment back what I put in the business all at one shot There is a chance that I could possible get an esty shop now, but I’m not sure when.

It all breaks down to money or time

We been trying to keep the heat out of our home. On the east side the morning sun beats down on the kitchen window.
So Murphy and I put some

sunscreen an to hope to keep the sun heat out. We had to tac this screen down because the power lines are right above.

This sunscreen is above our bedroom window.
But I have a hunch I’ll need to do more on the east side of house it looks like it going to be a scorcher for next two weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that sunscreen helps keep some of the heat out of your house...I remember how hot it would get in mine and now that I have an air conditioner, I don't know how I ever did without it!! I can imagine how unsure you are about your future employment and what decision you should make about it...did you ever think of something part time instead of full time? xox


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Today Is Saturday, May 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...