Saturday, July 14, 2007

Eleventh Photo Hunt Entry


Theme: Shawdows/ Become a Photo Hunter/ View Blogroll

This is from the morning sun coming though my kitchen widow on the east side of our home.
When I saw this I thought a prefect for today theme and it was so easy didn’t have to hunt and hunt for that special picture to go with a theme

Went to the doctor and everything pretty well stay the same excepted there going to but me on a different anxiety pill.
I was on Zoloft which was pricey and did ok and expect I gain weight on it. Confession time…If I got more exercise and ate a little more sensible I would drop a few pounds The doctor said there was anther anxiety and he explain it as a distant cousin to Zoloft. I need to go to wal-mart and pick them up this afternoon.
Prescriptions are so costly and we can afford the $4.00 ones. Confession time…I don’t like giving wal-mart much money because I know what there practices does to our living here. But We are caught between a rock and hard spot.


  1. PeppyLady, don't let the must-haves from Walmart ruin your day. Walmart, for a good long while, was the only place that carried jeans that really fit me. I bought my jeans there, but went other places for other things. Just do what you can, and don't stress about what you can't help. It's better that you're on the meds, than not being able to afford them at all because you refuse to buy from the big W. at all. Hope the med. changes work well for you!!!!

  2. Lovely photo! You have spoken on a lot of issues there that are awfully important. You are so right about Walmart and the cost of medicines here in the US. I hope the new prescription helps.

  3. Indeed that's a very nice shot for the theme !

  4. very nice shot...=)
    is that the shadow of the flowers in the flower pots...???
    I like it...!

  5. I love your photo for the hunt theme of shadows this week! Great shadow of your windosill. My photo is up, please come and visit when you can


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