Monday, May 28, 2007

It's Only Temporary

I like to share the story of my kinfolk that first came to this country.
William Witherell (also Wetherell, Wetherel, Witherly, Wetherly, Witherill)
Born in England, about 1627? He came to New England as a Cabin Boy of Capt. William Dunn’s ship, and was in Taunton, Massachusetts by 1643 married (about 1650 in Taunton) Dorothy_________.
He became a freeman in 1658, a constable in 1662, and was often selectman. He built the first house (1669) in what be come Norton Massachusetts , on the east side of Winniconnet Pond, near the outlet. He was wounded in the Narraganset Swamp Fight which is part of the King Phillip war (French and Indian War) in 1675 and died about September. 1691. His will was dated August 15, 1691, and was probated Nov 18 following.

There was other Witherell here before William. The first Witherell came on ship Hercules right after the Mayflower but I’m not sure how William Witherell is related to the ones that came before him.
The other ones seem to be more of means, educational, and higher class of people.

I don’t fly the United States flag every holiday but the ones I feel are more to a patriotic meaning.
As far as I know I have had some relative that serve in the arm forces.
One comes to mind is my Uncle Udo who serve in World War I and he was an interrupter for the United States Army who spoke German and English so well he convince a bunch of German Solider to surrender.
I’ll find out about my Uncle Udo and how he captures those German and post it.

The other day I got a wish book called Lakeside Collection and they have quite a few things I think are pretty.
But nothing practical but oh well but sometime we all need not to be practical.
I’m keeping the catalog and maybe a little later I’ll get me a few things out of it.

Yesterday the 27th we got our first Summer Storm. It rained a good inch in the last 24 hours and the wind twist and bowed the tree branches. No trees were blown over. I heard plenty of thunder and few flashes of lighting.
The cloud formation was out standing

Yesterday Murphy and I did some planting of 5 tomatoes plants and 2 poinsettias plants in were the lilac used to be.
I know I live to far North for poinsettias to grow outdoors but the pot the was in it made the root bound and I’m planning to dig them up this fall and put them in a large pot.
Hopeful I don’t forget.
This is area we would like to put in roses and rhodes but the other half of the flower bed needs to be worked and worked up.
But for now it will serve a place for some tomatoes and poinsettias.


  1. Henry Phelps, my great grandfather times 12, came over on the Hercules also.

    Hmmm, maybe we're cousins, peppy!

  2. I have an ancestor who was impressed into the British Navy and jumped ship in Canada.

    Somehow he made his way to the states.

  3. Wow, I LOVE genealogy and you have some awesome info. How exciting. I always wonder how our ancestors survived back then. My Mom's family came over really Dad's during the Irish Potato famine.

    Fascinating! Hugs!


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Today Is Tuesday, December 24, 2024: This Is What Happened

  Christmas eve. It will be quiet around here. Later on, Murphy and I will open our gifts. This evening. I won't be blogging tomorrow. ...