Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Flowerbed Report 3

My dark purple tulips are starting to open. Recently I notice that my miniature Iris is forming buds.
Since they’re in the yellow and purple flowerbed they either be yellow or purple. Just resent I got a yellow lupine and Callie my client mother Katie gave me some Narcissism bulbs and Peony plant.
The Peony plant I put on edge of drive way and the county road. The narcissism I divide up among the purple and yellow flowerbed, patriotic flowerbed, and hodgepodge one.
Still not color other then green showing up in my hodgepodge flowerbed and I’d guess the next thing to color out would be my star of Bethlehem and my bleeding hearts.
I got my red geranium hanging by our front door. “I read that all good witches has a red geranium hanging from there home.”
Then over at my patriotic flowerbed my white tulips are done and I see no sign of anything coming up.
On the North side between the hay field and the lawn we planted a weeping birch

Murphy been writing down things that happen at the place he worked before he got fired and I got two pages typed out and saved those pages just fine.
Took a break and resume typing for Murphy and was about to save the other two pages an some how I pushed no instead of yes.
Statement time…I don’t work well under stress and I start making simple mistakes
Well the good news is that Murphy got anther job but I think it only for three weeks or so.
We think Murphy was fired because of two racist who don’t like white people and he been writing stuff down that happen to him at work and I volunteer to type it out

My anxiety been some what acting up. I was going to tell my client in June that I felt I need to move on, and did she want me to call the agency up or did she.
I would give them a month to find a replacement for me but now I can’t. It looks like I have to re figure on starting up my ceramic business later.
I was thinking of asking Murphy sister Faith if I could throw Sawyer a graduation party at her place but I don’t dare.
This could be a long hauled out process.
You see years ago Murphy got hurt at a sawmill and he was refuse his workman compensation and they told us they would starve us at before they gave us a penny. We held out and won.


  1. Your tulips are looking gorgeous and I was quite fascinated with the dark purple ones, I've never seen them in that colour before! I'm glad Murphy was able to find another job, even if it is for 3 weeks! Hopefully he'll get something more permanent in the meantime. Those pods I posted about ARE from lilies I planted last year...as soon as a couple of you mentioned lily, I remembered! lol xox

  2. I agree about your tulips. Mine haven't even popped up through the leaves yet.


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Monday, May 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

A quiet day. Been doing not much. A load of wash and seen my therapist. Here is last page I did in my art journal.