Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Non White Racist

Bigotry comes in all shapes, colors, and believes. For the place Murphy works at theirs were some racist remarks.
It seems in our society it ok for all other races to make racist remarks. But soon as a white person step out of line and says something malicious statements against their race it soon seems to be an issue.

They’re two Mexicans who work at the same place as my husband does, one is Tony the tractor driver who showed up drunk or least well hung over.
As I understand some saw him stagging behind one of the buildings. I don’t think he makes race remarks out loud.
But was talk about one of our well-known racist in our community. This guy pulled gun and beat up people because of they’re non white race.
The three main white guys who work there told him “ We are a shame of him and his action does represent us”
Then there is other Mexican Gentleman Edan who makes all sort of raciest remarks about white and Americans.
First one to make note of is “ I don’t respect White people only if they have money” Then last year my husband was second in command over the dig. Somehow Tony put Edam in charge and he said “ he was going to fire all the white guys” Then turn around and ask Murphy if he would pick him up and give him a ride to work.
Then he says “White guys dumb” and also “White guys lazy” on the white guy being lazy. I somewhat hold the media responsible.
If you hear the news talk about Mexican taking our jobs this is what they say “ Mexican does jobs that American won’t do” But they forget to add “for the wages”
The owners of the business does pay a decent wage for the type and area we live in.
So yesterday Edan made the statement made some comment “We need some Niggers to stand up these trees” and not sure what was said but Tony got off his tractor and said what are you going to do get up set about the raciest remarks.
Then the owner said to Murphy can’t you take it and I have to take a certain amount of crap. Murphy said something like “ I’m not going to take it”
Once we came home I suggest he talk to a friend of mine who is member of Boundary County Human Right Task force and he told her what is going on.
She asked him if Murphy talk to the owner and he said yes and our friend Luke backed him up. I know Luke well enough and I don’t believe he would lie for anyone.
Luke told the owner that he is tired of raciest remarks also.
So it been quite a while and now Edan is back making racist remarks.
But in reality that the owner didn’t real do anything and the lady from the human right task force says a lot of employers doesn’t real want to deal with these type of issues. She suggest that they once again try talking to their employers about the race issues and give her a call back and see what happens

1 comment:

  1. its a difficult subject, and one where blame gets passed back and forward.


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