Sunday, March 11, 2007

Adding New and Reranging New

Once again there is anther swap in land of bloggerity. Pea of Peas corner is organize a Bunny Swap Sign up date is before March 23rd, for Easter is April 8th

My camera has a sport section on scene dial tingeing bobber. I want to give it a try and both my boys had some friends over.
I want some real action and couldn’t get it out of any of them.
They walk around like old men who should be collecting a retirement check.
I wasn’t hoping for some rolling on the ground saying “I’m going fast doc” but something out of them

We went up and visit our friend Quenella and Earl up on Katka Mountain. My friend Quenella has her snowdrop showing some life.
I’m sure I don’t have any snowdrops. But it something I like to get and sure to add to my patriot flowerbed.
We played a game of pinochle. Murphy and Quanelle were partners. Then Earl and I was partner.
The way the game first started out I thought Murphy and Quanelle was going to get it. I first put us in the hole and we had a hard time digging out.
We got out of the hole finely and the last hand Murphy and Quenelle was up by one. The last hand Murphy got it and had to get all the tricks.
He was hoping that his partner had an ace to save him. But I had two aces and a ten. I knew I could take something with the aces. And depended how things played out and gain a point for us with the ten.
So Earl and I won.

When Murphy and I got home someone called and want to buy our 78 Nova and we sold it for $400 dollars.
But we put up the rain gauge that Murphy got me for Christmas.
So for my 101 things to do in 1001 days we complete # 78

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for advertising my Bunny Swap:-) So far we are 10 people so it's going well already, hopefully get a few more!! Don't you know kids won't do what you want them to do when it comes to taking pictures? lol I also have a sports setting on my camera but haven't tried it yet. We have a rain guage put up in the backyard in the summer time...always fun to see how much rain falls! xox


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Monday, May 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

A quiet day. Been doing not much. A load of wash and seen my therapist. Here is last page I did in my art journal.