Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Share the Love

I felt like I was in the voters both on election day and something comes on the ballot and I’m reading and trying to figure out how to vote.
I know blogs awards are nothing like the real election for our government.
But I did my civic duty and vote in Share the love blog awards
I have to admit I was only filmier with one and five of the blogs I’ve bumped into in the pass. The rest of the blogs I was one bit filmier with. So I had to do some reading and studying before I cast my ballot.
The only area I didn’t choice is. Blogger you’d most like to meet, Best Commenter (I’m fairly clueless what a commenter is)
And Blog you’ll never stop reading. I didn’t think it would be fair for me to pick one in this area because I don’t know if I’d read any of these blogs on regular bases didn’t have time to real learn about these blogs.
The voting last from 10AM to 3PM, not sure of the dates I’m guessing the voting will end Thursday the 8th of Feb at 3PM Central time.

1 comment:

  1. If you visited the award site today you'll see the 5 finalists in each the voting begins for those:-) "Commenter" is what I'm being right now, I'm commenting on your blog so I'm a commenter:-) I think the voting lasts a week. It's been fun and can't wait to see the final winners! As you said, though, it's so hard to choose when there are so many wonderful blogs deserving it out there!!


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Today Is February 27, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Still putting my photos on thumb drive. Went to the library to have there techie person help me set up my new phone. Still learning my way ...