Monday, February 12, 2007

All The Fuss

My friend Alice threw her daughter Nicole a baby shower. Her baby is due around Saint Patrick day and it’s going to be a boy.
I have to say something “People over reacts to babies” I love my boys and enjoyed all the stages. I may not be a big fan of early teens and mid teens.
As Nicole was opening all of her wonderful things for her baby, some of the guests were going “Oh how darling” maybe I just don’t get the fuss.
Yes I do coo over babies and now I look at my boys who are well on their way out into the world.
I remember some of the hardships were brought to us, and the joys of raising two boys.

Murphy may have plenty of faults but we always provide us with a home, which was never fancy.
I didn’t every worried about going hungry may not ate fancy foods. Most of the time had to shop by the sale ads.
I’ve never doubt his love for his family.

I guess I was wondering what kind of environment this new one, will be brought up in. After thinking about what I was thinking on.
I better take a good look at us how we did our own boys.
When our boys were little we had to pump our water by hand, from a well. Let me tell you it is the best tasting water and we weren’t on the grid.
Lived in what I call a one-bed room construction trailer with an add on. Heated the place by wood.
Plus we used an out house.

I hear that we all marry some traits of our parents. Alice all most ex husband or Nicole dad is what I would call a person who real never truly supports the family. He basic worked enough to buy a bag of smoke.
I don’t if he choice not to support his family or just didn’t get it.
I’ll see Nicole husband end the grocer store and he buying a 6 pack of beer. To the best of my knowledge he isn’t employed or drawing unemployment.
Maybe he picked up a day job and earns a little bit of cash for his beer money and saw no other food with it.
You see Mariam, Nicole dad is basically the same.

I hope I’m wrong about Henry being some what like his father in law. I don’t doubt Henry loves Nicole and does love his family.

Over at Every Day Mommy she has the finalists for the “hidden Treasure blog awards. Click here for more information.
I haven’t yet got though all the choices but I got 3 down and 5 to go


  1. Thanks for the comment. Maybe instead of "miscellaneous", I'll copy your "blah blah". Funny.

    That looks like a feast in your photo. Now I'm hungry.

  2. When someone is pregnant with their first baby, they think that everything will be rosy and perfect...unfortunately that's not the case and they'll find out soon enough! lol

  3. Yes, i can well presume how a new mother is all excited about the arrival of her new born and your friend is no exception. Moreso the birth of the baby on the holy day of St. Patrick perhaps makes it all the more endearing to her. Perhaps you can take a trip to my blog for some cute gift ideas for your friend who is really looking forward to the D-day.


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Today is Saturday, March 1, 2025: This Is What Happened.

Neither I or my husband spend any money yesterday. We took part in economic blackout. Trying to find out the status on it. Slowly getting ph...