I enjoyed looking and reading the blogs that was in finial running for The hidden treasure awards for 2007.
Well these awards got me wondering. My brain never shuts up and sometime it over whelming.
But I’m learning to clam the brain down
My question is “ why were the majority nominees for the hidden treasure awards were just given to Christians?” All these blogs deserve around of applause for their writing and blogging skills.
Maybe I should re ask my question. “Was their any other group nominating for hidden treasure awards?”
Confession time…I enjoyed being a part of both blog awards even none of my nominees never made it around first base.
So I came up with a nutty ideal and knowing I don’t what I’m doing or real don’t have the time to do it.
I went over the Nobel Prize and I though their would be some categories to make up a blog award for. I guess not.
Then I put in google search for human emotions and came up with quite a few. click here
I think it would be interesting and fun to make blog awards in some human emotional categories such as
here is some human emotions
I believe these categories could be made into a blog awards; CONTEMPT, FEAR, JOY, Loneliness, PRIDE, · Schadenfreude? (German word for feeling pleasure in someone's misfortune) I’ll bet when we read someone blog and sometime we’ll think, “That blog made me feel ________ and it should get an emotional blog award”.
No I don’t have time or the know how but if someone wants to run with this ideal their welcome to
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