Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Seeking Great Knowledge

I like to learn and enjoy seeking knowledge and wisdom. Could some of you please answer some of these question or gather knowledge

1. If a person wants to get their blog publish is a book form. How does one go about it?
2. If a person wants to donate their blog to the national archives or to library of congress. How does one go about it?
3. Before Christianity came about. Where did one spirit go when the person dies?
4. Why do we stereotype people?
5. Why do some people think they need to keep up with the Jones? (neighbors)
6. Why do some men think with their balls?
7. Why do some women use sex to control men?
8. The story of Abraham and Sarah in the bible. Why she looked as a hero?
9. Why are their people who believe everything in the bible? (You know the ones that go around thinking or saying, “The bible tells me so?) Why can’t these people think for their self?
10. Why do some people have trouble with change?
11. Why do some people want to know their family history?
12. Why do some people put such an importance on money?
13. What is a good reference book on chakrus?
14. Will they use blogs in future to study the past?
15. How does one develop their personality?

1 comment:

  1. In answer to number 8 (Sarah regarded as a hero), I've just finished a book that may give the answer to that, and it has to do with the biblical view of a woman's subservience to her husband.

    Basically that God honor's Sarah as an excellent example of a woman who gave her husband everything, her body, her love, her honor, her obedience, control over her. In otherwords, WHATEVER Abraham said, Sarah did, completely trusting that it would all turn out right in the end. And, according to the book I just read (not one I highly recommend) God honored Sarah by heaping blessings & miracles upon her.

    She is therefore held forth as a great example of what a "good Christian Woman" should aspire to. That we (all women, the world around, not just christians, but ESP. christians) should subject ourselves, mind, body & soul, to the will of our husbands. That to do LESS than that is sin & blasphemous in God's sight. And that giving ourselves over to our husbands (even the physically & emotionally abusive ones) will bring us blessings & miracles.

    The author does say that if a husband oversteps his bounds based on secular legal (ie: seriously harming the wife or seriously physically abusing -or sexually abusing at all- the children or asking the wife to participate in actions like theft or murder) or biblical (such as asking the wife to have anal sex with him) she's allowed to turn him over to the authorities ONLY then.

    But, in the author's estimation, every other submission & allowance is to be made to the husband, and only then will a wife gain the blessings & honor of being a TRULY "Christian" wife, right up there with Sarah. (Never mind that Sarah was pre-Jewish, and not Christian at all.)

    Anyway, hope that answers that question.

    As for the "knowing their family history".... I can only say that for myself I love to know where my family came from, partly in hopes that it explains some of my family's oddities. I also like to know the background, as I feel somewhat lost in this world of ethnical customs.

    There are so many beautiful customs & cultures out there, and as a "EuroMutt", I feel a little left out when I see people enjoy their family's Channuka celebrations. Or the Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations. Or Scot's "first step" customs. Even the beautiful ethnic costumes & crafts (the Eastern European Embroidery, for example, or the Indian Sari). It makes me sad that our family didn't have a custom that I knew came from the days of my ancestors, passed down on to me, and from me to my daughter. And so I search for a little piece of my ancestory that I can reclaim for my life & my family as it is now.


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