Friday, January 12, 2007

Babling On and On

Liebenswürdige Göttin des Überflußes, segnen dieses winr und gießen es mit Ihrer Liebe hinein. In Ihrem Namen, Muttergöttin und Vater-Gott, segne ich diesen Wein (oder brauen Sie, pressen Sie usw. aus)

O goddess gracious da abundância bless este vinho e infuse o com seu amor. Em seus nomes, goddess da mãe e deus do pai, eu bless este vinho (ou brew, juice, etc.)

De verfijnde Godin van Overvloed, zegent deze wijn en giet het met uw liefde. In uw namen, de Godin van de Moeder en de God van de Vader, zegen ik deze wijn (of brouw, sap, enz.)

On my side bar there is a symbol of Babel fish and you can press a flag countries flag and have your blog appear in their language.
Then over at web site you may type something in your own language and have it interrupted in language of your choice or you may interrupted a web site also
If your listed on my coffee pals select one the flags of babel and after it loads you can select your name and you can see your blog in a different language.

Language always and pronunciation of words sort curiosity of mine. Certain words is spelled the same but it seems that we all may say them differently or the way we here certain sounds.
On the word Portuguese I some time will pronounce the silent T is a K so it sounds like Pork.
Why is Hello the word we use when we greet someone in the English Language

Up above there is a prayer same prayer and see if you can figure out what language their in

1 comment:

  1. I've had the Babel web site in my favourites folder for many years:-) It's a great tool to have whenever you need to translate from one language to another!! Hugs xox


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If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
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Today Is Tuesday, February 19, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. They had an potato bar. It was very good. Finley took in bag of clothes to the thrift sto...