Thursday, January 11, 2007

Silly Me

Oh Silly me, I always thought that little envelope was a symbol to contact the blogger by e-mail.
Autumn Meadow straighten me out on how to receive an e-mail from my blog.
Now I got my e-mail turn on. So anyone who wants to join in on the Ostara Scavenger Hunt Can.

Oh I need my head examine, I said I was going to curves on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before I went to my client Callie and guess what I haven’t yet showed up.
One thing I’m not is a lair and I always try super hard to make sure my word is good.
So on the other days except Sunday. I’ve put my self on walking regiment but today was my first walk of 2007.
It was 10.8 this morning here and it pose to get a lot colder. Not sure if cold enough for my dad to say “ It cold enough to freeze balls off of a brass monkey” I put on heavy coat and put a leash on Butch and bundle up. Most all the driveways around here are like a skating rink.
As Butch went out for our walk I decide to take a picture of the homes we pass. Our home is the dark green one.
In my guess I’d say I walk around trip just short of a quarter mile. If you take quick gander at driveway behind the car, it sheer ice and so our driveway.

Murphy law (not my hubby) and I are best buddies. I’ve started to do retail prices for my finish piece on ceramics. When I started gas been $2.49 and nine tenths for ages. So I thought gas would stay or go up.
So I decide to price out my pieces if gas was going to stay between $2.50 and $3.00. Well yesterday I notice gas is starting to drop in price. Most place gas for regular unleaded is $2.39. So at that price my pieces would sell for less because it cost me less to do.

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Today Is Tuesday, February 19, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. They had an potato bar. It was very good. Finley took in bag of clothes to the thrift sto...