Friday, January 12, 2007

Peppy's 101 Things To do

One hundred and one things for Peppy to do.

1. Type out retail price list 1.5 and 2.5
2. Type out retail price list 1.6 and 2.6
3. Type out retail price list 1.7 and 2.7
4. Type out retail price list 1.8 and 2.8 STILL TYPING AWAY
5. Type out retail price list 1.9 and 2.9
6. Type out retail price list 2.0 and 3.0
7. Type out retail price list 2.1 and 3.2
8. Type out retail price list 2.2 and 3.2
9. Learn French
10. Read Son, by Pearl Buck NEVER FINISHED IT
11. Read A House Divide, by Pearl Buck
12. Read The House of Earth, by Pearl Buck
13. Learn and do Video Clips.
14. Learn to do Mr Widget link on my blogg
15.Learn and infi 50 new birds
16. Learn and infi 25 new star consulation
17. Tour the Smithson.
18. Learn and under stand the chakras
19. Make a altar for Ostara DID
20. Make an altar for Litha
21. Make an altar for Mabon
22. Make an altar for Yule.
23. Make an outside home for gnomes and faerie
24.Mix a batch of clay (Slip) COMPLETED
25. Fire the kiln
26. Get some porcelain slip
27. Get some stoneware clay
28. Learn to throw pottery on a wheel
29. Add 5 other things to my business other then clay base.
30. Set up an Etsy shop
31. Built a web page
32. Buy 7 totes
33. Get 2 tables and 2 shelves
34. Make a photo system of piece I’ve done.
35. Do a craft show
36. Put in vinyl window in Bart Room
37. Put in vinyl window in Sawyer Room
38, Put in vinyl window in Our room
39, Put in vinyl window in kitchen window
40. Plant Raspberries
41. Plant Strawberries
42. Plant Blueberries
43. Make a Patio using flat rocks
44. Make Wine
46. Make Beer
47. Make Jerky
48. Make Cheese
49. Make a goat pen
50. Get a goat
51. Built a pen for fowls
52. Get some hens for eggs
53. Make horse pen
54. Buy a horse
55. Get my body fat percent below 25%
56. Get my body fat percent below 23%
57. Get my body fat percent below 20%
58. Get my body fat percent below 18%
59. Reduce my measurements by 12 inches
60. Reduce my measurements by 18 inches
61 Reduce my measurements by 24 inches
62 Get my ears repierced.
63. Get a bust reduction done
64. Make curves 300 times
65. Get a dish Hutch in the dinning room
66. Paint the Kitchen Cabinets
67. New Floor in the master bath
68. Put in an inset display cabinet in the living room
69. Add a Mud room to the Northside of home
70. Put in a corner shelf (Northwest) in living room so I can put my wondering jew on it.
71. Redue the round oak table
72. Put a flower garden on southside of the house including roses, rhodes, and peonies.
73. Clean out the shed/barn.
74. Organize the shed/barn
75. Clean out the garage/shop
76. Organize the garage/shop
77. Paint Mail box
78. Hang rain gage COMPLETED
79. Make a compost bin
80. Make boxes so I can plant veggies in it
81. Walk one miles
82. Walk two miles
83. Walk four miles
84. Walk five miles
85. Walk in bloomsday in Spokane Washing ton
86. Get below 200 pounds
87. Get below 190 pounds
88. Get below 162 pounds
89. Get below 146 pounds
90. Finley weight between 140 and 130
91. Make a quilt
92. Put up a bird feeder
93. Plant and grow sunflower below our bedroom window
94. Make candles
95. Make soap.
96. Make Bath Salts
97. Make Curtain for kitchen
98. Remove lilac and replant toward the mail box
99. Make Kalmari
100. Clean out under the stairs
101. Organize under the stairs.

Starting date is January 13 2007 and the ending date is October 9th 2009


  1. Geez, is that all? LOL Oh dear, you certainly have a lot of to do things on your list! It will be interesting if you can get them all done by the end date!! Good luck! Hugs xox

  2. Please cross "put vinyl..." off your list. Vinyl is waaay bad for you.

    Blue Vinyl

    My House is Your House


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