Sunday, August 13, 2006

Shut Up Someone Important is Trying To Talk

There are the days I real feel like I’m at peace with my inter self and out of the blue. Some negative little voice in side of me telling me that I’m a piece of shit. “Yes I know I’m fallible but a piece of shit that’s a little strong”. Don’t you think?
This one real drives me up the wall. I think deep down inside that I forgave the ones who did me wrong. Honest time....not that many people done me wrong then some how these little nasty demons pop back into your head and they start playing mayhem with your inter being. Don’t you love these unwanted spirits comes to visit and don’t want to leave when your rude or ignore them hoping they don’t stick around much.

But I believe that most spirits are positive but Confession time...I real don’t listen to them as I should I strongly believe that all sorts of good spirits want to guide us into be loving caring humans even those who didn’t do right by us.
We all need to take a time and sit in uncluttered mind and heart state. Take a short time and clear all spirits out of us. Take a few minute and listen very deep down in side and real listen to what it saying

Murphy, Quenelle and I went to the gardenia center and it was on communications with deity and how he/she may be trying to talk to you and how we real need to listen.
Today for the special music they had Stephen Pike his music was so soothing and meditating.
He also was one of the speaker and I liked the part of feeling like your spirit is like a tide that comes and goes out a never know what it may bring in or take out.
Word to wise...Be careful how you feed your spirit or other one spirit it may go out with the tide but it can all come back and bit you on the ass

Today I enjoy the front page of the Sunday Service Bulletin at the gardenia center “Every species carries of remembrance which is a message for mankind.
It is up to us to recognize the song and listen and use it allow our self to grow according to the message it holds for each of us”

Murphy, boys and I moved all of the ceramic molds off the basement floor and took them out to the barn/shed. We move well over a 100 molds Confession time...I forgot how heavy some of the molds could be

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's really hard to shut up those negative voices sometimes.


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