Friday, January 29, 2021

Today Is Saturday January 29 2021, This Is What Happen

 My job controls a big deal of what I want and need to do. I keep saying 2 to 4 years I plan to draw my social security. 

Well it been ages since I took part in PAINT PARTY FRIDAY and I decided to do an A.T.C (artist trading card) I been doing so called food theme, using the alphabets. Done in color pencils and jalapeno.  

Usual I like to take both Saturday and Sunday off. Since my 2nd dose of covid is the 5th of February. Saturday is my day off, although I didn't get everything done I need or want during the week. So it strictly left over chores, maybe it something like left over food. So next week I will work Sunday thru Thursday. And have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off.

So I will go in sometime after 11pm and stay until 4pm. At this point it looks like some cleaning, mail sorting, and art. We're going to suggest something to draw. This point my will be "stillness"

I don't know why I have trouble getting back on track to develop health habits. I believe I will limited my so call naughty food to one day a week. It will be either Tuesday or Wednesday. 

Off to tread mill now.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Your jalapeno pepper is very nice! Good luck with the 2nd shot.

  2. Glad the second shot is coming up!

  3. I like your drawing.

  4. Glad you were able to get vaccinated with the second one coming soon.
    Fun ATC.

  5. I don't think I'll get vaccinated anytime in the hear future. Nice you got yours and soon will be fully vaccinated. Then you can go sneeze in the anti maskers faces. Just kidding there.

  6. Nice one


    much love...

  7. I hope everything goes well!

  8. You will get your second shot ? that's great, we have just started with the retirement homes and the medical stuff !
    I wished that plague would be over !

  9. Lovely ATC, I have just chopped up a red chilli for the soup for lunch. I get my vaccine on Monday.

  10. What do you do with all your ATCs? I just got an empty portfolio that will hold 390. Love the jalapeno. Did you see that US Representative Stephen Lynch has had both shots and tested positive for COVID? Guess we just have to keep wearing masks and staying home.

  11. ...stay healthy Dora.

  12. Glad you got your shot. I’m not eligible yet.

  13. Wonderful jalapeno ATC ~

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Love your pepper. It seems that there just isn't enough time in the day for everything. Have a good one.

  15. Oh I love your pepper!! :)

  16. I think we're all a bit slow with everything and winter and all. It'll come.

  17. It’s been hard to get back into habits, especially as we were in strict lockdown for 16 weeks.
    Your pic is lovely
    And yes you don’t have to shovel rain but I’ve had to sweep it away from the house before as it was almost coming in!
    Thank goodness that hasn’t happend

  18. I like the jalapeno, its nice to see more people who blog are making time for art too. Its good for the soul.

  19. that is a beautiful Jalapeno ATC!


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Today Is Saturday, June 15, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I thought of posting about the nut cases here, who really have issues with our local pride event. It's our first one. Never meant ...