Friday, October 16, 2020

Today Is Friday October 16 2020, This Is What Happen

 Just start looking at toys for my granddaughters. Our next set down big celebration will be Thanksgiving. Well Hubby and I just setting on the home front. So for us we will get a couple of cornish game hen. Not sure if we will be doing stuffing and all trimmings. One thing I would like to have is dinner rolls with some type of preserves. 

End of work week, and there plenty of things to do around the place. One of top thing is to pay bills and get my money in order. I just like to know were it at. We used the debt card and such and never keep track. 

Got couple of package today, Liz ask me to order something for her grandson. I ordered a few things, and my hubby got his item also. Well like I said not going anywhere for Thanksgiving and unless this covid things is poof gone. Look like Christmas will look the same. I will still put a tree and my yule altar. I have two more items coming for my Samhain altar. Well I could very well get one the candle tomorrow in mail and I am guess the other item will come Wednesday.

I have trouble getting the three things lined up when it comes to loosing weight...exercise, food, and water. It seems I can do one of these quite successful. But add two to the problem and I then fall off the wagon. Although not saying I did terrible. It easy for me to even know what to do when it comes to eating. But do I do it, and simple answer is "NO" Or one could honestly say I "DON'T" nessuary eat for nutritional reasons.

Rain most of day. 

Coffee is on


  1. Im right there with you when it comes to recording the debt card payments...I always forget to enter them.

    A lazy day here too.a cold damp rain all day.I curled up on the sofa and watched horror movies.

  2. I try to run my debit cards like a checking account...and TRY to enter everything in. Sometimes (most of the time) in a week behind. But it keeps me on the straight and narrow!

    The holidays this year are going to be crazy!!!!

  3. ...I'm afraid that our Thanksgiving won't be as festive as normal this year.

  4. Yes time for online Christmas shopping

  5. Anonymous5:22 AM

    I don't know what Cornish Game Hen are, but they sound great to eat for Thanksgiving.

  6. I am done all my holiday shopping but one gift. I like to be done around Canadian Thanksgiving.

  7. Yep, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be really different this year.

  8. Read a delightful true story in Woman's Day. The high-school age unmarried daughter had a baby, which the family decided to keep. At Thanksgiving (this was pre-Covid), when the baby was about a year old, there was a large turkey for the family and a Cornish hen for the baby. I'll never forget that story.

  9. I love Cornish game hen, haven’t had it in ages.

    I think we may go out to eat for Thanksgiving.

  10. Yes, celebrations will be a little different this year ...

    All the best Jan

  11. Oooh, rain. . . I want some rain. Want to send some down our way?

  12. I'm with you. I can do water, exercise or keep track of food but I can't do it all! Lol... - We've had a little rain down here but I always welcome more!


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Today Is Saturday, June 15, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I thought of posting about the nut cases here, who really have issues with our local pride event. It's our first one. Never meant ...