Saturday, December 29, 2018

Who Creative and What Type Of

Had every intention to finish up hot pot pads for Christmas gifts, well now it look like it will be for 2019.
If your wondering what happen with 2018 goals is...My hubby came down with shingle and had to work and take care of him.
It was stressful and figure if I add making hot pot holders it would of been over whelming.

The two main will be hot pot holders for Christmas 2018. I got plenty of scraps of fabric for this.

And actual an old pillow case is working real good to lay out my hot pot holders.

Also haven't had a chance to use my mini iron.

Then the other thing is I want to get back in block exchange. I join one on a facebook group.
This one above is last one I recieved.

Once I get 100 you tube subscribers on MY CHANNEL I will have a give away. Since these     
about my 2019 creative goals. Here is part of supplies I will be using on item that will be given away.
So once I actual I hit 50 subscriber I will actual announce what I will be given away.
So my give away will be number three.

Then for the tarot cards I been doing which will be continue on. Do two cards a month.
And I thought of doing a calender but I'm thinking about canning that ideal. Starting to get a little much on my plate.
But instead I found I like to challenge my self when it comes to be creative. I'm drawing picture base from different words.

For me I enjoy all sort of creative things and it more interesting to see how people interprets. I real like to play with colors. Bright and bold ones. I know I would have trouble with the Amish I couldn't handle there drab colors.
One type of art if goes to outer limited of abstract. Confession time....There been a few piece of abstract art I've seen I liked but not many.

Question time...Have you every just looked at piece of art and wonder what there artist was thinking?


  1. Anonymous2:34 AM

    In answer to your last question, yes, often.

  2. I hope your husband is better. I've heard shingles are very painful.
    To answer your question, yes. I've looked at certain things and wondered how anyone could find it appealing. That's the beauty of art, there doesn't seem to be a right or a wrong.

    1. I seen art and can't make heads or tail out of it.

  3. Hope your hubby gets better soon. Shingles are no joke. My son had them. Very painful.

  4. Hope your hubby is doing better. I like some abstract, sometimes it is the colours, the arrangement, the design.

    1. Color is important to me when comes to art and crafts

  5. Totally just seen art and wondered what people were thinking!

  6. I really admire, and envy, your creativity. I have no talent for arts or crafts.

    1. I know people who say they have no art or craft talent, and there talent there.

  7. I've looked at a lot of art and wondered what the artist was thinking.
    Sorry to hear your husband got Shingles. My husband got that a couple of years ago. Not a good thing to get.

    1. And the price they get or ask for there pieces.
      Coffee is on

  8. Hi Dora, thanks for coming over to Marmelade Gypsy from Iris' blog. Nice to meet you! And best wishes for your husband's shingles. Been there, had those -- they're miserable.

    I know exactly what you mean about unfinished Christmas projects. I decided to view mine as a head start on next year! I hope your new year is very happy!

  9. Do what makes you happy. And it'll all get done when it's time.

    1. I would say I'm happy a lot more then not

  10. I've seen lots of art where I wondered what the artist was thinking. Not just paintings, but sculptures in metal that just look weird.

  11. Sorry to read about your husbands shingles, I hope he feels and gets better very soon.

    I think with art you have to do what makes you happy.
    Art, music even books we read has to be a personal choice.

    My good wishes for the coming New Year.

    All the best Jan


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