Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Heads or Tails (See or Sea)

Heads and Tails I try to do on Tuesday. This week theme is See-Sea next week theme will be “List Three”
A quick announcement on the 25th of the month I do what I call “In the Know” and on April 25th those who like to could you post on your blog “What do you see out of your front window”

I get up every morning and look out the window to see what the weather is doing. It is snowing here now.

One of the first things I do on Tuesday is go to my T.O.P.S meeting and see what the weight scale tells me.
“I lost a pound” all most to my first milestone. ½ pound and I’ll be under 190 pounds

But before that I had to check my twitter and facebook to see what was going on. I even took a few minute did little hoping the way of twitter to see other people twitter and blogs.

Well this is day I take Faith around to do her errands. One place we went was the library and I want to see if I could fine some books. I saw two books which I checked out
Look Homeward America and Outdoor Living Ultimate project

I was so happy that Faith want to get a few items from quality feed. So I want to see if they had and early girl tomatoes or any bulbs in.
No luck on either one.

Then Faith went and did her errands and I went to the bank and had to put some things in our safety deposit box and get my birth certificate.
Then I went over to Callie a fabric store to see what color of embroidery floss they had and I got anther shade of green.
Plus I checked out floss in Lamars but nothing grab my attention but I saw a pattern there that would make dishtowels. I just left it there.

So her and I met back at safeway and I got a few items there. I went to see if they had any type of seafood or fish. They only had a small selection nothing for my fancy.
So I got a steak for dinner

Then I took Faith home and had little chit chat and cup of tea. But before our tea I had to see her plants she got started and they looked nice


  1. One of the first things I do everyday is check the weather, too! If it's nice I know me and my puppy will be doing a lot of walking, which is good for both of us.

    I haven't heard of T.O.P.S. in years. I didn't know they were still around. GOOD JOB on the weight loss.

  2. That's a lot of seein' there! Busy lady. :)

  3. You got to see a lot! Very busy. Have a wonderful day.


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Today Is Tuesday, January 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

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