Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Weather (March 09) and other stuff.

The hottest day in March was 55.5 (13.05) on the 20th
The coldest day in March was –5.8(.21)
On the 10th
Average high for the month is 42.4 (5.7)
Average low for the month is (-3.7)
It snowed 7 ¾ inches (19.68)
We started our tomatoes, peppers, and zinnia seeds indoors.
The spring bulbs are poking though the soil.
Bart went to New Orleans to help build homes for the Katrina victims


  1. Hi Dora, Oh how wonderful to see spring popping up. Are you going to New Orleans too?
    I enjoyed it. But needed more than a couple of days to explore.

  2. Hi...just stopping by to say hello and hope that all is well. Have a great rest of the week....

    Love, Jess

  3. WEll when I woke up yesterday and looked out the window and saw the snow on the ground I thought this is a terrible April fools joke....but yes once again dear mister winter reared his head....I am really tired of it you my bulbs are coming up but they keep getting confused with all this change in the weather...

    Oh and congrats on the whole weight loss...good on you!!! Keep up the great work....

  4. Nice to watch spring come in. Can you believe it's April already??
    Did not realize there was still work to be done in New Orleans. Nice that Bart can go and help.


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Today Is Tuesday, January 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, Murphy and I finished up the dining room wall. We're both a little sore. Well, I've been a lot sore. I think on Thursday,...