Friday, March 21, 2025

Today Is Friday, March 21, 2025: This Is What Happened.


Loading my photos off of my laptop is going good. I'm thinking I should be posting photos, before the end of the month. I would like to go through the photos that is in a trunk. That will take a while.

Before I woke up this morning, I had a strange dream. More like nightmare. If it includes President Trump it's a nightmare. He was in the oval office, signing an executive order to burn a book. This book was about transgender. Although I didn't see the book title in my book. He went out side of the White House. And lite the book on fire.

Last night I went to the pearl to monthly book talk, We talk about books. It been some time since I been there. Pretty much close to a year. I heard of this book before and I put it on my good read list, WHAT ALICE FORGOT. Well one of the people shared her thoughts on it.

Murphy and I went into to town. Lunch at the senior center, we had beef stroganoff. Plus they had their grocery give away. It sure helps. But before we went to lunch we went over to the pharmacy and picked up my inhaler. And to library to take book back, I got thought the inter-library loan program. Plus I put a request for another book, FLIGHT. Actual our library has quite a few of Sherman Alexie. Books.

Coffee is on.


  1. Perfect timing... in a sad sort of way. Your nightmare and my latest blog post are about Trump in the oval office, signing an executive order to burn a book about transgender. I had collected top quality US newspapers that wrote about the purging of American history in the Defence Dept - photos, documents, books etc. This was history that didn't suit the President or the Defence Secretary, because it involved women, Afro-Americans, Native Americans and others in WW2 and on.

    "WW2 heroes deleted in Pentagon’s purge, NBC News"

  2. Best to enjoy your senior centre visits and not think of Trump

  3. I recently featured Musk in one of my dreams.

  4. That dream was more like a nightmare!

  5. It's great you were able to make it to the book talk! It's always interesting to hear other people's perspectives.

  6. That doesn't sound like a nightmare. It sounds like a premonition. Sadly.

  7. Oh my, that's really a nightmare, yikes!

  8. Grocery giveaways are always good. Book burning is not good. Trump is an idiot. I wouldn't want him in any of my dreams.


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Today Is Saturday, March 22, 2025: This Is What Happened.

Just finished up loading the dishwasher, and making oven french toast casserole, here is the RECIPE . I'm using. For the fruit I'm ...