Sunday, January 26, 2025

Today Is Sunday, January 26, 2025: This Is What Happened.


I'm waiting for the paint to dry. I've started a self-portrait in my art journal. I plan to do a self-portrait looking into a mirror, but not on to the paper. I'm sort of doing it blindly.

The other thing I got done today is. Pay two of our bills—the other I will pay next month. The rest of the bills will come shortly after the first. Looked into my Grammarly subscription. I knew about it in plenty of time to take care of it. But I didn't. I was hoping I could either cancel or lower the cost down. In bold print, it says: All future payments will be canceled, and your plan will be downgraded to the free version of Grammarly at the end of your current subscription period. So, I marked it on the calendar. So, I will take care of Grammarly in the first part of December, but I can't afford it. I got a check to go out for the credit card and hospital bill.(The avenue – 1921 to 1923 – Style Expressionism and Cubism – Genre City Escape – Medium on canvas – location unknown)

I've been reading my book. I will read it later today. Let's see. We made the bed and did an upload of laundry. The clothes are now in the dryer. ( Beyond the Radiant Valley – 1918 – style Fauvism, Cubism, - Genre landscape – medium gouache, paper – location unknown)

It's been on the cold side—actually freezing. I was asked what an art collaboration was. It's when we all work on one project as a group. At art yesterday, we passed around our art journal and added a little something to each page. I want to add a little something before I post. I need to locate the exact knife, although I didn't look all that much. (The Archer – 1917 – located in private collection)

Today art movement will be DADA. There some Dada work I familiar with ALICE BAILLY. But she didn't do much with the dada movement. This is piece of dada, called Military guard. Done by SOPHIE ARP.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...