Monday, January 27, 2025

Today Is Monday, January 27, 2025: This Is What Happened Today.


Murphy and I cleaned the fan in dinning area. We took it part, and gave it a good scrubbing. It really needed it. (Bel of Zurich – Date 1917 – Style Cubism – Genre Painting – Unknown Place)

Ran a load of dishes though the dish washer and did load of heavier clothes.(Port – Date Unknown – Style Expressionism – Genre Marina – Unknown Place)

Reading in my book, and worked on my self portrait.(Freida Cohen Building – 1935 – Style Art Deco – Genre Architect – Location Unknown) Here is link about the FRIDA COHEN BUILDING.

Today art movement I will be sharing today is, CONSTRUCTIVISM. Will be sharing the works of MARCEL JANCO

Coffee is on.


  1. You are learning about so many art styles

  2. Cleaning the fan is a big deal. I made such a mess the last time I cleaned mine.

  3. Is that an overhead ceiling fan? I hate to think what is on the top blades of mine.


  4. ...I enjoyed your art choices.

  5. The architecture is interesting

  6. I don't have ceiling fans to don't need to worry about dust on them, but I do have floor standing fans and I clean those twice a year.

  7. Those paintings are very colorful. I'm busy doing some more cleaning too. Not much exciting though.

  8. Love the art, especially the tall ships!

  9. I like today's art. You will have your house spotless.

  10. The art is very interesting. Have a good week.

  11. That is really pretty art, I like them!

  12. Today's art is colourful, nice to see these pieces.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...