Thursday, November 21, 2024

Today Is Thursday, November 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.


We lost power for about two hours last night. I was super tired yesterday. I went to bed shortly after 8 p.m., and Murphy went to bed a little after 9. I believe he came to bed because we had no lights, but I could be wrong. I heard the power came back around 11, and I slept through the entire thing.

I'm tossing the idea of posting my writing on how I think the world should be. A fantasy! I know it wouldn't happen. I'd be shocked if one-tenth of a percent of my ideal of how the world should be in this lifetime.

Murphy and I moved some snow. The snow was wet and heavy. He ran the snow blower around the rigs and put in some of the walking trails. I took the shovel and removed the snow from the porch and steps.
I managed to get some small things done in my bullet journal, which took me less than 5 minutes  complete. I also spent a little time embroidery and in my art journal.

Coffee is on.


  1. Awful to lose power in the cold

  2. In the old days, when electricity ran out in the boiling hot days of summer, we had a very thick 24-hour candle in the kitchen and on each side of the bed. You still had to have cold meat and salad for dinner, but at least you could see who was in the house.
    When the electricity started up again, the 24- hour candles went back into the kitchen cupboard.

  3. Going to bed and staying warm under the covers is the best way to deal with no power.

  4. It sounds like you were exhausted. Shovelling would do me in…

  5. We're getting a big dump of snow today and over the next couple of days too. Winter is definitely here to stay!

  6. We're dealing with atmostpheric river, aka bomb cyclone or something, they call it. Just lots of rain, snow in the mountains.

  7. No snow here, just rain.

  8. ...I would have gone to bed and pulled up the covers too!

  9. Going to bed when the power is out is a good plan.

  10. I heard that storm knocked out power to a lot of people. I'm glad it was restored quickly for you.

  11. The snow we got overnight was heavy. So happy that it got to 40 degrees today, not so happy that it is drizzling now. I hope it doesn't all freeze tonight.

  12. Is it normal for you to get snow this eqrly?
    I think if people spent more time doing crafting, growing food, helping those less fortunate. The world would definitely be a much happier place

  13. O my god, Dora, you've brought a whole treasure trove here.


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Today Is Tuesday, February 19, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. They had an potato bar. It was very good. Finley took in bag of clothes to the thrift sto...