Friday, November 29, 2024

Today Is Friday, November 29, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I wasn't going to post today. Murphy and I washed down the north wall of our living room. It was quite the task. There were envelopes of paperwork and binders of stuff. I looked through some items I just tossed, and the rest I sorted. But the one I got sorted, I eventually will need to make a decision about. I marked December 10th or before to make a fine choice.

We had Thanksgiving lunch at my son Bart's mother-in-law's house. There were eight of us there. Betty was in Spokane, so she brought the girls over to play.

Murphy and I don't like driving in the dark as we age.

Not long ago, I watched a video on CHARLES DICKENS. It is only part one. He also did some writing on American Slavery. And other issues of that time. It wasn't well received here. Remember, it was before 1865.

I am almost done with "Western Medieval Art". I will finish off with VIKING ART and the artist TOROS ROSLIN. There is one more section of Western Medieval Art" called COPIC ART, which has artwork posted earlier under the medieval art movement. I'm linking to FACEOFF.

I've been embroidering a quilt block and sharing my progress.

Here is the last part of my ideal world. Remember it just pipe dream...

If you read earlier, we all put in 3 hours a month. To make the world a better place. We can give three hours a month to the betterment of humankind.
But there is also the so-called government. Our election office needs to cost a lot less. There should be no more political ads. Otherwise, how will we learn about our candidates and what they stand for?
For presidents who are in the primary, there should be 12 debates. No more than 12 candidates can be in the primary. If there are more than 12 candidates who put their names in the hat to run for president, their names will be put in the hat and drawn out. After the 12 debates, all candidates will ask the same question.
After the 12 debates are over, people will be able to vote on the same day. The four candidates who get the most votes will have a run-off for the office of the president, and political parties will be no more.
There will be 10 debates for the general election for president, and then we will all vote on the same day.

Now, the United Senators will be president. Only eight people from each state will be allowed to run if there are more than eight candidates. There will be a random drawing for the eight candidates. There will be ten debates for the office of the Senate. Voting the same rule as the president. Only the top 3 candidates can advance to the general election.

Now, for the Representative, it will be pretty much the same as the office listed above. Only six people can run in the primary. If over six people can run, the same thing will happen: a name will be drawn out of the hat. There will be three debates for the primary election, and the top two candidates will go on to the general election.

Suppose a person doesn't vote. It will be fine as in Class A crime.

A few elective and/or appointed officials do lose track of everyday people's lives. So there should be a cabinet called "Kitchen Table." This cabinet will not be appointed. But all people will have their names in a so-called hat. If your hat is drawn, you will attend a cabinet meeting for three months. Then, another person's name will be drawn out of the hat. Other departments worldwide, federal, state, and local government shall be served for six weeks.

Once a kitchen table position is served, one wouldn't serve again.

Editor note...Here is class A fine and punishment, Class A: The judge would have any of these choices and/or a combination of these: Fine between .50% and 3% of an individual monthly income. Home time between up to 8 days, and/or community service between up to 8 days. Up to 8-page paper writing and/or less 250-page required reading.

Here is link to YESTERDAY dream of better world.

Coffee is on.


  1. What are you embroidering for the quilt.

  2. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving

  3. I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, and I enjoyed seeing the Viking Art. The shapes are fascinating. Have a great weekend Dora.

  4. I'd like to eventually see the finished quilt. We have a Viking Art exhibition coming to our museum next year. I will go to see it and hope photos are allowed.

  5. I wish I was inspired to wash the wall in our stairwell. The kids’ handprints will stay for another few months I fear!

  6. ...I try not to drive after dark!

  7. It sounds like you had a very nice Thanksgiving!

  8. You've given thought to you ideal world. I haven't been able to drive in the dark since my mid 40s. It sounds like Thanksgiving was a good day.

  9. I love the Viking runic art you've included in this post!

  10. So glad you had a nice thanksgiving. I love the art you have shown. I also would like to see your finished quilting piece. Interesting thoughts on government. Our government is to greedy for power and money. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a lovely weekend.

  11. Dickens was a progressive. Look at the themes in his works of fiction. A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist…

  12. I am happy to have coffee with you this morning.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...