Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, October 2, 2024: This Is What Happened.

No one kidnapped me. It was Thursday early evening, the 26th of last month. We had quite the storm—heavy winds, rain, lightning, and thunder. Well, we lost power for over 24 hours. But I didn't have internet until yesterday. The storm damaged it. The company I get my internet service from has excellent customer service. Plus, the techie person hooks up with Roko.

On Saturday, the 29th, Murphy and I went to Spokane for Bart's father-in-law's memorial service. Bart's parents know how to put on an event. When I go, I want a celebration like Dave had. I laughed so hard that a few times, I thought I was going to pee my pants.

I went to the senior center, which meant Qunella and Lolita were there. We all stayed for art. I still need to do a little more work on my page. Then I stopped in at Safeway. They had a few items on sale. Avocados are 77¢each. Then I stopped at the pharmacy. The person I was by. It smelled so bad.

Coffee is on.


  1. Sounds like you had a really good time. Welcome back!

  2. We hear news about the storm there. Hope you're safe and fine.

  3. Funny stories at a funeral can be a great remembrance of the deceased.

  4. It seems like a good sendoff, more like a celebration of life.

  5. Sounds like a a nice celebration of life

  6. I hope you eventually get the send-off you want, but not too soon okay?

  7. It’s amazing how a storm can disrupt everything, but it looks like your internet service came through for you in the end.

  8. We have had a few big storms where trees have come down and pulled the electrical lines. On one occasion we didn’t have power for three or four days.

  9. A wonderful memorial.

  10. While we have plentiful avocados here, you would not believe what they cost. I like memorial and funeral service that can make a laugh with those attending.

  11. Good to hear from you, I bet the coffee is better there than here.


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Today Is Wednesday, October 2, 2024: This Is What Happened.

No one kidnapped me. It was Thursday early evening, the 26th of last month. We had quite the storm—heavy winds, rain, lightning, and thunder...