Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Today Is Tuesday, October 29, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Murphy and I went to the senior center. Not many there. They were serving lamb. A little earlier in the month, they served ground lamb. Murphy thought they would have been more there. I didn't. The senior center had a small gathering last time they served lamb. Most of North Idaho isn't keen on change. I took my saddle into the basement. I got a set of winter tires that are in good shape. Don't fit on any of our rigs. So we're going to try to sell them.

I put the saddle in the basement when someone looks at the tire. I don't want them to come back and steal it, and our garage doors aren't all that great.

I sorted out the crayons. I made six bags. Two are going to be friends. Qunella said she would find a good home for them. Lolita has plenty of grandchildren. She does arts and crafts with them. I made a bag for myself, a bag for my granddaughter's Christmas present, and two bags—one for Claudia and Wendy's school.

I've been looking for art supplies, and crayons are one of them. I put mix art supplies in a pencil pouch, and I even find art supplies at the thrift store.

There is plenty of art with rivers in it. Their two rivers here are the Kootenai and the Moyie. The Moyie goes into the Kootenai. Today, the art is called "Meandering Landscape With River."PIET MONDRAIN created this painting. Here are some of his WORKS

Coffee is on,


  1. ...lamb wouldn't be my favorite!

  2. Maybe most don't like lamb

  3. Lamb is very popular here in Australia and I ate a lot of it when I was young, though technically it was older lamb called Hoggett because it was always cheaper. These days Hoggett is hard to find with most butchers and supermarkets pushing sales of lamb and "spring lamb" and I find it has very little flavour so I don't buy it. I prefer beef or chicken.

  4. It’s sad that not many people were at the Centre. I’m sure the meal was nice though

  5. I haven't had lamb in just about 70 years. I am not sure what I thought of it back then.

  6. I don't care much for lamb either.

  7. I also don't care for lamb. I like the painting.

  8. We love lamb but it is hard to find any.

  9. A shame there were not as many people at the senior centre.
    Lamb does not seem to be a popular choice ...

    All the best Jan

  10. Peggy and Ralph, Stephen's parents, introduced me to well cooked lamb, it is really good if well cooked.


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Today Is Wednesday, January 22, 2024: This Is What Happened.

This morning, I meant Qunella at Under the Sun. Their plain black coffee is under $2.00 a cup, and you can get all the refills you want or n...