Sunday, October 06, 2024

Today Is Sunday, October 6, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It's been a while since my hip has bothered me. Well, today, it decided to act up. I definitely didn't tell it to act up.

Murphy and I went to town to get a few items. I thought it would cost around thirty dollars, but I was $10 off.

I keep looking at pumpkins to carve, but I send a good chunk of my retirement check off to my credit card. I just want to get paid off. Darn lawn mower. Usually, I can pay the credit card off in one or two months. Pumpkins are .49¢ a pound. So no jack o lantern.

Before the store, stop and slip a check at the water company place. They have a box with a slit—water bill for the month: $68.

There are less than 30 days until our presidential election. We don't vote for the President. We actually vote for ELECTORAL. Idaho has FOUR ELECTROL VOTES. Opinion time...Something needs to be done with the electoral collage. My state isn't in play. The majority of people here will cast for Trump. I will be glad when this election is over. I'm staying in my home for a few days after the election. There are too many crazies out there.

I got my to-do list done. One thing is to go for a hike up in the mountains.


  1. Agreed, the Electoral College is outdated and undemocratic.

    1. What every it worth, Trump only won the electoral college, Not the popular vote. In 2016.

  2. Too bad about the pumpkin but you're right, it's more important to pay off the credit card. I hope you can do it soon!

  3. I agree the Electoral College is outdated and should be disbanded immediately, it creates an unfair voting system. Sorry about your hip and hope it improves.

  4. Your elections are quite complicated and there is little incentive in your state for anyone to vote Democrat, and that is wrong. Electoral boundaries need to be redrawn so there is more evenness between red and blue.

  5. The electoral college was put place to protect states with smaller populations, perhaps it sounded like a good idea at the time.

  6. How sad to have to hide after an election!

  7. Hope you can do that hike in the mountains. Will you take photos to share with us?

  8. I sure hope your hip feels better soon. For better or for worse, I'll be glad when the election is over too.

  9. Why is president the only election where the majority vote does not matter? What a joke, Hope the hip is better.

  10. ...the election is getting scary.

  11. There is a plan in place to change the Electoral College. Several states have signed on. The idea: whoever wins the popular vote nationally gets all the state's electoral votes. Once enough states sign on (so, states that'll add up to 270), it'll be a thing. They're not quite there yet. I don't think Idaho has signed on, but it's something that people can push for.

  12. Sorry your hip is bothering you. Pumpkins seem very expensive in your area. I do hope regardless of how Idaho votes that Harris/Walz win


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...