Sunday, September 08, 2024

Today Is Sunday, September 8, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I got struck by a yellow jacket. Usually, I don’t have much of a reaction. Murphy and I had planned to go up into the mountains for a short hike. I did get my morning exercise in.

Yesterday. I ended up doing two pages in my art journal—this one I did in my art journal class. We first start using only three colors. Let’s see, I used rust, gray, and green. I can’t say I was all that wild about those three colors together. So, a little later on, I used a blank Sharpie. I tried to outline some brush strokes—the person siding beside me. I was using a chain that would be used for a necklace. Well, when she was done using the chain. I dipped in pink paint and dragged it across the page. 

 It reminded me of some of JACKSON POLLOCK’s works.

Here are two of his WORKS Found dragging the chain dip in paint across the journal, relaxing.

Then, on the other page, I did it at home. Well, I painted a background. I have to say, “I was hoping the background color would have shown up more.

Did some automatic writing about why. Here are two of my why questions.

  1. Why is there so much put on money?
  2. Why is there cruelty?

I’m sure none of us can answer that. The piece I glued on. I drew the left-handed objects I glued to the journal page: a wagon, two pieces of licorice, and a wallet. Well, the page is okay. But I might want to give this a try “the why” at a later date.

I stop in at our local art gallery and got these three artist trading cards. Plus I'm linking to ART JOURNAL JOURNAL


  1. I sure hope your arm is feeling better really soon.

  2. ...I was stung near my eye this week!

  3. I hate yellow jacks. Feel better.

  4. Your arm looks painful. I don't like Jackson Pollock's works at all.

  5. I hope your arm is better now. Your art journal pages sound like they turned out beautifully.

  6. I hope you have recovered from that sting by now. I love your Jackson Pollock inspired art. It's adorable. This is a great entry for Aimeslee's theme at AJJ. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I like both of your pages Dora. Very nice. I need to get more Jackson Pollack in my art. Well, I don't know if I can but I would like to. and I hope your sting is better. I was stung by a hornet the other morning-ouch. Thanks for joining Aimeslee's challenge at AJJ. hugs-Erika

  8. Ouch! I like the 'why' concept.

  9. Some interesting techniques you used.

  10. Yellow jackets really hurt! I would prefer a bee sting if I had a choice.

  11. Hope you sting bit is healing well ~ fun and creaitve art works ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. I am in the UK so have not a clue what a yellow jacket is but I guess it leaves a painful sting behind. Hope you are feeling much better now. That is one painful swollen arm you have there.
    I like both of your journal pages Dora, and yes very JP'ish. Love the colours you used.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Hi, Dora! Thanks so much for sharing your art at AJJ for my theme. I sure hope your sting is feeling better, I have not been stung since childhood but I still remember it. Your first piece does remind one of Pollack! I saw a film once of him applying paint on a huge canvas on the ground, he really got into it, almost dancing around and throwing and flinging paint. His stuff always looks frenzied to me and once I saw that film I knew why, lol. XOX


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...