Monday, September 23, 2024

Today Is Monday, September 23, 2024: This Is What Happened


There is no photo. I guess I could pull one off the internet, but I'm guessing this post will be on the short side.

Wash the throw rugs today. Milk got split on one of the throw rugs. So, all the rugs ended up in the washer. Swept the kitchen floor, plus daily general chores. Question time...What is one of your daily chores around the place? And start to dig up one of the flower beds.

I made up an artist trading card and worked on a page in my art journal.

Today is my son Sawyer's birthday. He is 36 today.


  1. ...Happy Birthday to Sawyer.

  2. One of my daily chores is making my bed. Every day without fail. Happy Birthday to your son Sawyer (that's a nice name).

  3. I just had to put two blankets in the wash. We use them on the couch. Miss Duchess Cat had a hairball…threw up on BOTH blankets. We’ve got two cats, three litter boxes…you know what my “favorite “ chore is …

  4. Happy birthday to your son. May he have many many more

  5. Happy birthday, Sawyer.

  6. Daily chores here include scooping out the cat litter tray and making my bed. Happy Birthday Sawyer.

  7. The kitchen cleanliness and tidiness is always a chore here. Have a great Tuesday!


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...