Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, August 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

When I use the name Bart, I'm usually talking about my youngest. So I went to Wiki Art and searched their site. So today artist is BARTOLOMEO MANFREDI. And he was part of the BAROQUE.

The other day, Murphy and I went hiking up Russel Ridge, part of Trout Creek, and up Selkirk Mountain. Well, we crossed the creek, and I was going up a slight incline. There was a small tree root. I tripped and went straight down on my face. I swallowed some dirt.

The following day, I was sore. I sure don't fall as well as I did at one time.

I went to my watercolor class. When I started this piece, I was curious how it would come out. I'm not bragging; I'm happy with how it came out.

Hubby made bean and ham soup.

Coffee is on.


  1. That Baroque painting is very nice.

  2. Yes, that's a beautiful watercolour painting you did! Sorry to hear you fell while hiking. I hope there's no long-term pain or injury from it.

  3. we age, falling becomes a real problem. Take care and be well.

  4. OMG, I'm sorry you fell. I hope you're healing quickly.

  5. Take care. Falls are better kept far after a certain age .

  6. Ouch, hope you are okay. I like your watercolour and those pretty pink flowers. I like today's art piece too.

  7. Falling at our age … be careful!

  8. I am glad to hear you weren’t seriously hurt in that fall!

  9. Sorry to read about your fall. It's good nothing serious occurred, but that doesn't diminish the pain. It's been awhile since Blogger let me leave comments, so just wanted you to know I've been dropping by every day, even if I couldn't comment.

  10. I hope you are doing okay after that fall. That's a pretty watercolor!

  11. Ouch! I did a face plant a couple of years ago, it changed the shape of my nose. I sure hope you are ok. I like your water color, very nice.

  12. Im glad you didn't break anything when you fell. I broke bones both last times that I fell down.

  13. Oh, be careful! I am on the edge of osteoporosis and that's a real concern. I like your water color. Alana

  14. There are a lot of opportunities to get out into nature near you. Be careful, but enjoy it.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...