Thursday, May 09, 2024

Today Is Thursday, May 9, 2024: This Is What Happened.


Camera and laptop didn't want to cooperate, yesterday. Our snow apple tree is in bloom. Such a pretty tree.

Did my morning walk. Still going to the 5th power pole. Not sure distance is. Also moved some flat rocks. Hubby help and they're nicely stack next to kitchen entrance.

Statement time...I get tired of all these political/candidates mailings. I would like our state to put out a catalog, I guess that what one would call it. And let each of them have a couple of page where they stand on the issues.

Right now I just put on return to sender. I do wonder if they even get them back.

Plus I think it would be cheaper to put a catalog and easier on the environment.

Got a call from my doctor office, about the mole they removed off my back. It had abnormal cells, although not cancerous ones. And looks like they got edges cleared as well.

Start a new set of artist trading cards. Doing a cat serious. I have few ideal what I like to put in my art journal. Shared an avocado with hubby, I add a little cumin on mine.


  1. enjoy your beautiful crabapple and throw the political mailings into the recycling.

    1. I love looking at beautiful crab apple

  2. Beautiful blossoms. I agree with Tom, throw the political crap away.

  3. Glad you found out about the mole on your back. Lovely flowers.

  4. The snow apple looks magnificent.

  5. the tree is beautiful. If you put return to sender, they should get it back. I have a "no junk mail" sticker on my mailbox, but the political stuff still gets put in, so I write "return to sender" and "unsolicited mail" and sometimes I write "remove this address from your mailing list" before posting it back. and sometimes I just toss it in the rubbish bin.

    1. Every election year our mail box get over ran by political junk.

  6. The blossoms are gorgeous,

  7. We do get a "catalog" of various ballot propositions and some candidates make statements. Sadly, I rarely read the thing. You're right about way too many campaign mailers.

    You can put an app on your phone that will tell you how far you've walked. I use an app called Strava. (I use the free version. I don't pay for any of those extras the app has.)

  8. I just line cat traps with the political slicks junk mail. I get a devious laugh out of it.

  9. Good ideal about lining the cat traps with junk mail.

  10. Your snow apple tree in bloom is truly wonderful!
    All the best, Traude

  11. It's blossom time there.

  12. The tree is beautiful. I love the shape of the blossoms.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...